Chapter 3: Project (Pt. 1)

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(Picture is what character Len looks like in this story.)

Yuki P.O.V.

We followed Ari outside of the school building and into another building. When we walked in, there were books everywhere. We were in the library, it had so many books in here. I looked over at the many books excited, I loved to read books. I heard a small chuckle, I turned around and saw Akio smiling. "I see you haven't changed much. You still love books don't you?" He asked me, he laughed softly. "Of course I still love books! They are all very interesting. And plus this library has a ton more books than I could ever imagined." I turned back to the books everywhere, I smiled to myself. "We should probably start working on our project" Ari suggested and Akio, Len and I agreed, the sooner the better. The project was assigned by our history teacher, Mr. Jenshi. We had to pick a war in history and talk about what happen during that time, like, what challenges they faced? How was the people affected? What happened to the environment?, and other stuff. I looked around the library, taking in the sight of all the books. We chose to do the 'Second Sino-Japanese War.' It was between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan. It lasted until July 7, 1937--September 9, 1945. Japan lost the war, China recovers all territories lost to Japan since the Treaty of Shimonoseki. I got more books about the war, I went over to an empty table and set the books down, I sat down and placed my bag on the floor beside my chair. I grabbed a notebook and pencil and opened a book, while taking notes. Time went by, as I finished my 10th page of notes, I place my pencil down and stretch my arms and legs. I put my stuff back into my bag and put the books way as well. I looked for Ari, Akio.and Len. I finally found them at a table talking, I went over and sat down, still they did not notice me. "Ugh, I can't find anything. How about you Ari,Len?" Akio looked over to them both, they shook their heads. I was so sad seeing them not find anything, while I had 10 pages filled with notes of the war. "How did you 3 not find anything, while I did?" I questioned them, they almost jumped back, they never heard me come.

Akio P.O.V

"How did you 3 not find anything, while I did?" Yuki questioned, I jumped back, startled, I didn't even hear her come. She giggled softly at our reactions, I just glared at her. "So, why didn't you find anything?" She stopped laughing and questioned us again. I didn't know what to say. She sighed and pulled out a notebook from her bag. She handed it over to us. "I have 10 pages FULL of notes, while you have nothing." We looked at her surprised, 'How did she get 10 full pages?!' I thought about it for awhile. I still couldn't understand how she did it, but I was happy as well. "We should probably go home, it's getting late." Ari stood up, we did as well, when we stepped outside the library, it was almost dark. "I can't believe we spent this much time in there." Len looked at the setting Sun, we all started to walk home.

Len P.O.V

We all started walking home, surprisingly our houses were almost close to each other. We eventually slit up, Ari and Akio went the left, while me and Yuki went to the right. It was quiet for the rest of the walk home and then she spoke up. "Have you known Ari before?" I nodded. "Yes, we grew up together." She looked at me, "Really?" I nodded again. We eventually made it to our house and she was right beside my house. "Wait, you live in that house?" I pointed to the house next to mine, she nodded. "Do you live in that one?" She pointed at my house and I nodded. "Well I guess we're neighbor's." She smiled at me, I looked away, hiding a blush on my face. "Bye Len, see you tomorrow." She waved goodbye and went inside her house. I did the same, I headed up to the room and flopped on my bed. "Why was I blushing?" I thought that in my head.


This is the 3 chapter. Sorry I couldn't update sooner. Well then see you in next chapter.


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