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(soulmate clock countdown au) (non-magic au)

{Simon's pov}

I sighed, glancing down at the clock embedded into my wrist yet again, impatient to meet my soulmate. Where was she? I leaned against the pole by the bus stop as my bus pulled up. Should I get on the bus? I might miss her. But as I climbed onto the bus, my clock stayed at the same time. Was she on the bus then? I glanced at the people sitting in the seats as I sat down myself. A group of preteen girls, giggling over something. A little old lady, knitting away. A single mother, trying to keep her two kids in control. No girl for me here. The only other people on the bus were a middle aged man in a suit, carrying a briefcase, and a boy about my age, with fluffy black hair falling into his eyes. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a black sweatshirt, with a dark green beanie pulled low over his forehead. He leaned into the window, staring out at the cloudy city sky. He had headphones on, covering his ears. I sighed, sticking my earbuds into my ear. I pretended to stare out the window, but I was watching the reflection of the black haired boy. 

{Baz's pov}

I was watching the bronze haired boy in the reflection of the window. He was wearing a beige jacket over a dark green sweater, the same color as my beanie, and worn, ripped jeans. His curly hair flopped around on the top of his head, but the sides were short. He had a messenger bag on the seat next to him, and he held a steaming Starbucks coffee in his hand. He sipped from the coffee, wrapping both hands around it. He was kinda cute. I blushed, pulling my sweatshirt hood closer around my neck. He was probably straight anyway. But I caught his eye in the reflection of my window. He blushed, looking away, and I did too, but I couldn't stop thinking about it now. His eyes were a bright and sparkling blue, slightly obscured from the curls falling on his forehead. A few moles and freckles were speckles across his face, making tiny blemishes that I thought were beautiful. I'd never seen a prettier boy.

{Simon's pov}

I caught the eye of the black haired boy and blushed. I wasn't meaning to stare, but he was kinda cute. I banished the thought from my mind. What was I thinking? He was probably straight anyway. was straight. I glanced at the clock on my wrist. Less than fifteen minutes. I hoped my girl would get on the bus soon. 

A few minutes later, the bus pulled up to a stop. I realized with delight that there was a girl waiting. She looked to be about seventeen or eighteen, my age. She had long white-blond hair and a soft smile. She was pretty, but I couldn't help but feeling the slightest bit of disappointment. She didn't seem like my type. She looked like she might be rich and high maintenance. She clutched a small purse. Her eyes widened in slight surprise when she saw the brooding boy across from me and she sat down next to him, blocking my view of him. She pulled something out of her bag. A handkerchief, embroidered with four letters; T,B,G, and P. Did he really have four initials? I wanted to know his name. The girl tapped on his shoulder, handing it to him. He slid his headphones off onto his neck, and his beanie fell with them. His hair looked soft and fluffy, and it just barely brushed his shoulders. I caught a snippet of their conversation. She seemed to be saying something about finding it on campus. She looked slightly familiar. I think she was in my English lit. class. Her name was Amelia or something equally as posh.The handkerchief must have been dropped, and she found it. Was the grey eyed boy in my class too? How had I not noticed him? She moved seats, sitting right behind me. I glanced at my clock. Was she my soulmate? Less than five minutes left now. I was getting anxious, and I sipped my caramel coffee again to calm my nerves. I pulled my phone from my pocket, wanting something to do, but I had nobody to text except my best friend Penny, but she was in class and would certainly have turned her phone off. I was quickly bored with the simple leveled arcade game I'd downloaded. I could hardly concentrate.

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