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(writing on your arm shows up on your soulmate's arm au)

Baz's pov

I absentmindedly doodled on my arm in class, drawing little shapes and patterns, around and around the dot I started with, until there was a spiral of shapes and patterns covering nearly half my arm. I wondered if my soulmate could see it now. I glanced across the room at Simon Snow, my nemesis of seven years. Except, I didn't hate him. He only hated me and assumed it was a two way emotion. I'd had a huge crush on Snow since fifth year, but I knew he couldn't be my soulmate. Not when he hated me so much. He was watching something on his arm, and smiling. Huh. His soulmate enjoyed doodling too, I guess. I bet she was an amazing artist. I drew a little scribble on my arm as my pen ran out of ink. I paused the drawing and pulled another pen from my bag and resumed doodling. I wonder where my soulmate was, and if he was watching the little swirls and shapes appear on his arm. I hope he wasn't anywhere too important where it would look like a tattoo. I rubbed some of the pen off, smearing it and getting another black smudge on my white shirt. I sighed. My dad hated me drawing. He said it wasn't a proper job. I made a mental note to myself to wash it off my arm before I got any more on my shirt. After class, I went to the bathroom, washing off the rest of the pen. I sighed, watching my art spiral away into the drain.

Simon's pov

As I sat down next to Penny in my next class, I noticed with dismay that the drawings on my arm were gone. Why does she keep washing them off? I grumbled about this to Penny and she laughed.

"If you want drawings on your arm, draw them yourself." She snorted. She never had anything on her arm.

"But whoever is drawing this, she's a good artist. I'm crap at art."

"Whatever you say, Simon."

I struggled through yet another boring class until finally... lunch! I bolted from the classroom, leaving Penny behind. I was starving!

Half an hour later I lay on my dorm room bed, groaning.

"Pennyyy..." I said, and she got up from the chair to sit on the bed with me.

"What now, Simon?"

"I might have eaten too many scones..."

"Well what did I tell you!"

"You said three at the most."

"And how many did you eat again?


"Oh my god, you're an idiot, Simon Snow." Penny gathered up her books and shoved them back into her bag. "I'll see you at dinner if you're hungry by then."

I groaned in response and she left the dorm. A minute later Baz walked in, snorting at the sight of me spread-eagled across my bed. "You dead, Snow?"

"You wish." I rolled over so I was facing away from him. 

Baz's pov

I sat down on the edge of my bed, watching Snow. The back of his shirt had ridden up about halfway up his back, and the edge of his boxers peeked over the top of his uniform pants. I watched him breathing, and after a few minutes his breaths evened out and he fell asleep. I got up and sat on the floor next to Simon's bed, looking at him. His mouth was half open and one of his hands fell off the edge of the bed and was dangling towards the floor. I brushed a bronze curl off his forehead and smiled softly. He would never know how much I loved him. I held his fingers in mine, relishing the warmth of his human hands. His breath caught and he rolled onto his back. I let go of his hand before he woke up and went over to my desk in the corner. I had to work on an essay that was due tomorrow, but I couldn't concentrate on homework. I scribbled doodles on the back of my hand, scratching out the shape of an eye. I dropped blue ink on it, the same color as Simon's eyes. I sighed, and rubbed at the ink, smearing it. I was too obsessed. I had to get over him. I got up to go wash it off in the bathroom. As I passed Simon's bed, however, I saw something black and blue on the back of his hand. He didn't have anything on his hand earlier. I stepped closer to him and lifted the hand with the ink on it. I rubbed at it, and it didn't wash off. Soulmate ink, but already smudged. Smudged exactly like mine. I compared our hands. They were exactly the same. 

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