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(college au)

(Baz's point of view)

I glared across the room at Simon Snow, an annoying boy who I, sadly, have the misfortune of sharing a dorm with. He was just... so... annoying. I couldn't exactly explain why, but I knew I hated him. At least I forced my brain to think I did. I hate a crush on the little prick in high school, but when I realized I did, I pushed it to the back of my brain and instead of thinking about how it would feel to date him, I thought about all the little ticks he did that annoyed me. Like he didn't fold his clothes before putting them away. He ate ramen so messily and dripped it on the floor. His half of the room was generally a mess, clothes on the floor, bed unmade, homework strewn about his desk... but I had to admit, it was much more personalized than my side. He had a bulletin board above his desk, and he pinned everything to it. Photos, notes, reminders, magazine articles... his whole life was laid out on that bulletin board. But on my side of the room, there was virtually nothing that could say it was mine. Everything was impeccably neat, everything put away, pens and homework papers neatly organized, all my textbooks lined up by class. On my bulletin board I only put things for school. There was only one thing from home that really said it was mine, and that was my violin. It stayed under the bed most of the time. Snow didn't even know I played. But when he went out, I took it from its case and played my heart out. It was the one thing I gave all my passion to. I sighed again, looking up at the teacher droning on at the front of the classroom. I'd already read ahead in the textbook and I'd easily understood everything the teacher was talking about now. I was top of my class, but my spot there was dangerously close to being overtaken by Penelope Bunce, an annoying blue haired girl who seemed to be at my dorm way too much for my liking. She and Snow were inseparable, and they both didn't trust me at all. I liked it better that way. I didn't want them up in my business. 

I was jolted from my thoughts again at the sound of my name being called. "Basilton Pitch," the teacher said, and I sat up straight. 

"Yes, sir?"

"Daydreaming, Basil?"

I flushed red with anger and embarrassment. "No, sir, only further thinking about the theory you're explaining."

The teacher, whose name was Professor Smith, looked confused. "You don't mean you understand it already, Mr. Pitch?"

I shrugged, trying to come of as nonchalant. "But of course, Professor. I read ahead in the textbook, you see."

Smith looked impressed. "And you understand this without further explanation?"

"Yes, I did, sir. In fact, I was only thinking there might be a loophole in this theory that doesn't quite match up with what we discussed last class."

Smith held out his piece of chalk, gesturing to the blackboard behind him. I got up from my seat, feeling the glares from Snow and Bunce. They hated me showing off. I loved making them mad. I took the chalk from the professor and began to explain to him what I had in fact been thinking about the night before. As I scribbled notes and equations on the board, Smith looked on, thoroughly impressed with the deep thought I'd went into. 

"Yes, yes, of course..." he murmured, looking over my calculations. "Everything seems to be in order... but you see here, when this variable is solved, then.." he went on again, going into deep detail about my theory. A quick glance about the room told me that only a few people were actually interested in this physics debate. One of them was Bunce, and she was giving me a death glare from the back of the room. I gave her a little smirk, and I saw a few girls in the corner practically melt (I can't help it, I'm unfairly attractive), but Bunce simply pushed her glasses up her nose and went back to taking notes, occasionally sending a glare my way. Snow rolled his eyes when I caught his gaze, going back to staring out the window, but I couldn't help but notice how the prism that was hanging in the window caught the light, sending a rainbow across his golden bronze curls and lighting up his sapphire eyes. I shook my head slightly, shaking myself free from my thoughts again. What was I thinking? My brain had long since accepted that Snow would never like me.

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