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(switched bodies at 18 au... idk I saw it on pinterest and thought it was cool)

(Simon's pov)

I went to bed nervous tonight. Tomorrow was the day I turned 18. Most people would only be excited to finally be an adult, but in my world, when you turned 18, you were stuck in your soulmate's body for a day. You had to try and find them within that day or you might never find them again. It was incredibly stressful. 

I couldn't wait. 

I could hardly sleep, and I only managed to fall asleep finally at about eleven pm. If you went to bed after midnight, it would get messed up, and half of your consciousness would be in your body, while the other half would be in your soulmate's. Most people tried to go to bed early, then wake up immediately after midnight to try and maximize time, but I didn't think I would be able to function that early in the morning after getting only an hour or two of sleep.

(Baz's pov)

I was incredibly worried. I knew very well that I was 100% gay, what would my parents think tomorrow when they tried to see what girl had possessed their son, and instead, found the thoughts of another boy? I managed to get myself to sleep at about 10. I wondered where my soulmate was now. Was he asleep yet?

(Simon's pov)

I was still wide awake at 10 pm. I tried to read but I had to keep restarting the page because I didn't retain any of the information. I felt bad for my soulmate. She had to wake up in a boy's home. The thought of my birthday got me excited, though. I could finally leave this place and get a small flat of my own. Although... I can't cook. I'll probably live off ramen and scones. I wouldn't mind much though. I tried to do some of my summer homework but to no avail. I could not concentrate. I ended up listening to music for nearly an hour, although the music I was listening to wasn't really relaxing. I fell asleep at 11.

(Baz's pov)

I awoke in a much less comfortable bed than my own. I was wearing a worn down brown sweater and ripped jeans. I had headphones in my ears, and the phone they were connected to was dead from playing music all night. I glanced at a clock on the nightstand. It was about seven am. I got up and looked in the mirror. I had tan, freckles skin, blue eyes, and golden brown curly hair that was long on the top and short on the sides and in the back. Was this what my soulmate looked like? He was pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself. I ran a hand through my hair, fluffing it up. I looked around the room. He might be cute, but where did he live? I pulled open the curtains of the window, revealing a busy city street. Somewhere in London, was my guess. I tried out my voice. It wasn't as deep as my own, but I seemed to create music with my voice. I loved it. I threw open the door and nearly smacked another boy in the face. He scowled at me. 

"So, you're Simon's soulmate, huh?"

I nodded. "Yes. I'm Baz."

The boy did a double take. "You're a guy? I didn't know Simon was gay."

I shrugged, but on the inside I was worrying my stomach into knots. What if he didn't like me at first? What if it takes him years to realize his love for me? I did my best to calm my nerves, but it didn't work. "So where does... Simon? live?"

"Well, this is London. His name is Simon Snow, and that's about all I know about him. He's a nice guy, but he doesn't talk much." The boy paused. "Good luck finding him. I know how it feels. My 18th was last year, when I met my girlfriend now."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem. Always around to help out."

(Simon's pov)

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