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(random drabble)

          Baz smiled down at his phone, reading old texts from Simon. They might tease each other endlessly, but certain times, if they are away from each other late at night, they get sweet and silly. Baz covered his mouth, hiding a laugh at a particularly bad pun in which Simon sent Baz a picture of himself wearing sunglasses and doing finger guns at a door. The caption was "You're a-door-able". He got a new text from Simon, reading, "I'm here at the airport, is your plane going to land soon?" Baz checked the time and texted him back. "I've got about twenty minutes left. where are you?" "you'll see me," Simon responded. Baz laughed slightly. The last time he'd come home from going on a trip, Simon had greeted him like a bodyguard, dressed in a black suit, wearing sunglasses. He'd even slicked back his untamable curls. What was he going to do this time? The notice to fasten your seatbelt dinged on over the intercom, and Baz began to gather up his things back into his carry-on. About ten minutes later, the plane landed and everyone began to leave. Baz got his suitcase from the compartment above his seat and walked off the plane, looking for Simon in the crowd, wondering what he'd gotten himself into this time. Simon was right. Baz did see him. Right in the center of the crowd he stood, wearing a glittery rainbow suit and sunglasses, holding up a huge, flashing sign, emblazoned with the word; "NERD". Baz stifled a laugh, grinning as he got nearer his dorky boyfriend. He swatted the sign, but he wasn't really mad. Simon gave him a quick kiss. "Did you see me?"

          Baz snorted, lightly hitting Simon's arm. "Idiot. Everyone's staring."

          Simon tucked the sign under his left arm and put his right around the vampire's shoulders. "You love me."

          Baz ruffled Simon's hair, messing it up again. "I do."

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