Chapter 1 Stay Focused!

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Chapter 1 Stay Focused!

Hello, everybody!
I am Mind DrifterKKK
and I welcome you to my
book The Overcomers.

This book is to help spread light,
love and teach knowledge on
some things. It's to empower you
and help you on your life of positivity!

Hope you have fun reading and enjoy
the lessons!

One must never give any mind to what another
says about them. One of the number one things
that will always take ones loving light away and
put one in darkness is this!

One cares too much about what people say about
Oneself. By doing this one gives people too much power
over oneself! One allows others to pull ones strings.
One lets others take ones  joy away and kill ones happiness.

One will not be able to function correctly if one
lets mere words get to one like that. All of ones
plans will fail because one will be planning negatively.
Ones actions will be based off the anger one holds, the

Let's move on now. It's a good thing to care about
others but don't let the things that bother them bother

One is to care and consider the feelings of others, but one is not
to let the problems of others becomes ones problem. One should
not let another hinder and bring one down with them. One is to
help others overcome without becoming burdened oneself.

One is to help fix the problems that one can and let those that can't be.
If there's nothing one can do to help then do not stress over or worry oneself
about it. One is to simply do what one can and keep it moving.
Let's hit that next one real quick.

As much as one wants to help everybody there's
some people one just can't. I think all have
or can have too big of a heart sometimes.

One wants to see everybody make it far and get
somewhere in life right? One wants to help everybody
live their dream or reach their goal? One wants to see
smiles filled with joy and laughs full of life? I know
I do!

The problem with that is, some people just can't
be helped! There's some people who no matter
what are going to be the darkness. Some are only
going to see the bad in everything!

One can't help those people because they will not
help themselves! One can teach and give them
everything but in the end this plant will not grow.
The soil here is bad so... Anything planted here is bad!

One cannot help those who are committed to
darkness! One must be willing to change first.
There's nothing one can do for such a one but
watch and hope for the better.

One gives too much of oneself to the wrong
people sometimes. The ending outcome of
such is this... One hinders and holds oneself
back! One let's others put them in darkness.

There are two lights and one darkness. Don't
be the brutal light or the darkness but Loving Light!
Helping those that are committed to darkness will
keep one functioning in darkness. That's what one
is not to do!

One is to help and grow ones loving light.
Sometimes one has to know when to let
go of some people. One has to cut the
cords. Only then can one keep ones peace.

Time to hit the next one right here real quick.
One must never lose sight of ones plan.
This happens to so many all the time don't it?
One will make a plan or a goal for ones  life
then something always gets in the way.

It's crazy how this happens right!? Right when
one gets everything together one gets off track!
It can be any little thing that throws one off too.

A television show, a game, a phone, a boy,
a girl, or even just one moving too quickly.
One helps out another then throws oneself back.
That's crazy right!?

This type of stuff happens all the time though.
Just seems like one can't stick to ones plan or
keep it together.

This is why it's so important to stay on track
and stay focused on the plan. Sometimes
when one has a plan one must sacrifice
everything else!

One has to cut everything lose so one can pull
ones plans together. One must stay focused
on ones priorities! If one loses focus from ones
priorities they'll never reach them!

The plan will only stay a plan!

I want to thank you all for reading!
I encourage you all to continue to
grow the Loving Light within you.
Love ya and take care!

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