Chapter 10 True Victory Is Found In Mind!

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Chapter 10  True Victory Is Found In Mind!

The true reason to work is not to gain
for self but to support self as well as
others. True value is meant to be
gained to help others.

One shouldn't ever expect to
be taken care of by the others.
One is to work to make the future
for the others.

If one works only for theirselves
taking care of only their house
then surely one shall rot away

If one shall spread forth thy blessings
and good fortune upon others then
surely shall one be succeeded in life.
Surely shall one be multiplied forever!

Money is not evil but what some do for
it is. Money is the way of helping one go
along in the way of this physical world.
Money has no value in the mental world.

Money is not meant to rule over one
and ones life but to add to and support
ones life. Money is the means in which
fulfills desires of the physical heart.

Every job in which one does to get
paid gives money. Not every job
that pays however is a good job
bringing forth good deeds.

This is where we find the lust for
money. The evil in which men do
for the money. Truly hate can be
found in everything!

The teachings and lessons of loving
light will make money for itself!
There's nothing more powerful
than leading somebody to love!

One who works the fields of loving
light are true blessings unto the
world. There's no better feeling
than the double feeling!

The feeling and knowing that
one has helped another to love
and grow in life as well as
getting paid for doing so.

One is under the pressure of
the physical world ever day!
One faces the physical world and
challenges with ones physical being.

The thing is ones physical being isn't
the things one should be fighting with.
One should be looking through and
absorbing it all through ones mental.

Ones mental condition determines how
one accepts everything one sees and goes
through. If one equips ones mental world
with love then can one spread love into the
physical world!

One has to change ones mind to be better
so that one can do better. True victory is
found in the mind! If one fails ones mind
then one fails the physical being and world.

One is only as strong as the weakest link.
What the mind projects is how the physical
body will receive everything. If the mind is
weak then so will the body be.

The one who stands up with the world
conquered is the one that has conquered
ones mind. This is where their joy comes
from and why the world didn't give it to them.

If one searches this world one will only find reasons
to hate and cause chaos. This world cannot give us
joy and happiness! One must find those things first
by looking deeper into oneself.

Only after doing this can one begin to find joy and
happiness in the physical world. One must be faithful
and committed to teaching such teachings! One must
be committed to love!

All money gained will help spread the teachings of love.
Money is not needed to teach but it is needed to support
the teaching of. One can only give as much as one has.
The more supporters the greater the reach!

Do not seek after money but seek
after the lessons and the teachings.
Teach regardless of how much money
one has or anything. Do that which
one can do!

Spread forth life, love and positivity!
Make a trusty nation and steadily build
stronger together. Do not worry if the
nation is only a small nation for it shall
grow in time.

If love and peace is not at the top of the
to do list then what is? Is it hate? Spread
knowledge, love and go forth quickly!
Don't waste time that is needed spent

Stay fresh and clean practice good hygiene.
Do what thou can do as this is concerned.
Look the best one can look no matter what
that look is! Be considerate of appearance.

Do be considerate of others though for not to
cause an unwanted war. Be mindful of the world
around oneself but do not be of the world around
oneself. Stay lined up with oneself.

Enjoy life doing that which makes one happy!
Do not waste time in boring conversations!
If it does not uplift and empower then leave!
Time must be used properly and efficiently!

Show love until that love is no longer wanted
by company. Leave that company and share
that love with another. Do not hang around that
which brings one down!

Always observe the darkness to gain understanding
of darkness. Do not however become darkness.
If one cannot observe without becoming then do not
observe it at all!

Do not be quick to be hostile! Don't start anything
and observe the situation before acting out harshly.
Do stand up though when time is right. Walk away
should be first action but always observing the dark

Walking away from dark one can leave one open.
One should walk away and always observe the
dark one! Always observe action for words mean
little. Actions show faith and belief of the one talking.

Words mean what one wants them to mean. Master
using words and meanings to be a cleaver fox!
Words are a maze and the only way out the maze is
to define action!

Never forsake learning and studying! Stay dedicated to
increasing the mind! Wisdom is the key to winning every
battle!  He who is the wisest is the true strongest.
Increase the mind to stay immortal!

Book The Overcomer Series Loving Light!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon