Chapter 11 Being Loving Light!

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Chapter 11 Being Loving Light!

The Book Of SOK!

The rest of the chapters will now
cover the views and expressions of
SOK! This is the way they view being
loving light. Hope you enjoy!

Love is all around us and has been
since the beginning of time. The same
can be said for negativity. Everybody
has both love and hate!

Love is the governing house of all
positivity. Hate is the governing house
of all negative. The huge part of life
is to distinguish between love and hate.

Love is right, positive and good. Hate is
wrong, negative and evil. Nobody is truly
good nor evil. For all can do something
good just as all can do evil!

It is a good thing to cast off all forms of hate
and solely live on love itself. This however is
near impossible! One must find a way to balance
the love and hate to find the peace one seeks!

This balance can be obtained only through
learning knowledge and wisdom of both love
and hate. When the experience is gained then
it's time to put forth the action of the knowledge.

Trust yourself and be aware of your intentions.
If nobody understands it but yourself don't feel
bad about it. Walk in your truth and believe in

There's many ways to spread love. The best
thing to do is to find your own way. Many
people in this world have problems. To help
these people out is always a good way to love.

What you give out is what you'll get back in
return. To give love then get it back in return
is truly a treasure! Do not expect to get it
back from everyone though.

Always take responsibility for your actions.
Make sure your actions are clear and are
based to spread love. Keep in mind not
everybody accepts love and positivity.

Leave them be to the negative haters
as you continue to spread your love
elsewhere. Loving light is a belief
system and way of life.

It is based on the reconstruction of oneself
into the better good. To mold oneself into
a being of pure love. To become the example
of the greatest energy in the world!

To keep humility, moderation and self control
is a very big Importance in the walk of being
loving light. To find balance between needs
and greed within this world.

Communicate with your higher self and
dwell deeper within yourself. Listen to
your impulse and the voice of reason
within yourself.

Do daily checkups and routines within
the lines of your own mind. Find your
true intentions, focus and goals in life.
Clear yourself of the outside poison!

The trash that gets dumped upon you
through normal interaction with the
world and other people. Cleanse yourself
through meditation, hymns, song,
Baths and lucid dreams.

People always question their paths in life.
Understand that as long as you spread love
and have a conscious of your own then you
are making the right choice.

Spread forth your love and teach others
how to love. Never force your rules
upon others! In this life all we should
do is live our lives!

There's love inside of everything!
Look to the trees, rivers, mountains,
animals, elements, energies, everything!
Soak up that love and empower yourself!

Everything is a part of everything
because we're all connected through
love and energy. Everything we see is
nothing more than a reflection of ourselves!

The mind is the workhouse of all love.
Through the mind do all things love
and hate flow through. The mind is
the filter for the body!

Before we act or say anything we should
take in that moment to just filter our selves.
That way what we produce when we produce
it will be based on love!

The difference between love and hate is the
intention! Love is to heal and bring life while
on the other hand hate is to harm, destroy
and cause death.

Not everybody can be loving light. It's
not for everybody and that's okay.
It takes real dedication and commitment
to be loving light!

It's one of the hugest responsibilities
a person can take on. It's super hard
work to remain in a state of love in
a world full of evil and hate!

Becoming loving light is more
work than any job. It's a never
ending job that one must work
all of their lives!

One must have a free mind and be
open to all things. One must be totally
free of all judgements! Being careful
not to hate anybody or look down on

anybody for any reason! To throw
away all that stops one from loving
with the greatest love and compassion!
Do understand that falling short is okay.

It's okay to fall but only if that fall
is not permanent! Our fall is our
greatest teacher and brings us
back to reality.

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