Chapter 16 Brutal Light!

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Chapter 16 Brutal Light!

Brutal light is a light that differs
from loving light. Brutal light is
a light based on love but is filled
with conditions.

Brutal light is totally and completely
separated from darkness. It has
absolutely no contact with the
darkness or those in it.

Brutal light fights against all darkness
and does not care to save those within
it. It will not reach out and go forward
into the darkness to save others.

Those who are of brutal light look down
on those who are of loving light and those
who are trapped in darkness. The brutal
light prides itself of not being like the two.

It talks down upon the two daily to keep
it's on glory refreshed in its mind. It only
loves it's on! It attacks those who look
different and are different from itself.

It is only a blessed light to those who
forsake their lifestyle and accept the
lifestyle in which it offers. It speaks
of a salvation that only comes from

It blesses those who are of its teachings
and curses those who are against it.
It only loves it's own and hates everything
outside of itself.

It speaks of being unconditional love but
is rather conditionally based. It provides
a total complete view of life without giving
consideration to anything else.

One who is of brutal light speaks of helping
others but surely it helps only it's on. It will
not even think of helping those who are not
within itself.

It gives no ear to any other way, teaching, or
lifestyle other than its own. It will not donate
or tolerate anything that is not its own.
It's a very strict life!

The brutal light sees everything as evil no
matter what it is if it's not within itself.
It has laws and conditions which keeps
it separated from all it considers evil.

The brutal light is full of hate and deception!
It hates everything and only loves it's own.
It will quickly leash out against anything
and everything that is not itself.

The brutal light is a loving light but only
depending on what it's loving to. It will
not accept or give way to anything that
breaks or goes outside of its lifestyle.

With all that said still brutal light is better
than complete darkness. At least brutal
light does try to be loving and spread
love to all.

That love is a fake love to the outsiders
but yet it's still better than being completely
evil and darkness. It's a love that is based on
toleration. It only tolerates when it has to.

Brutal light gossips, makes fun of and puts
down everything and everybody that lives
against its way of life. It then speaks and
welcomes warmly when confronted.

Brutal light is one of the biggest snakes you
can meet! It will be totally against you behind
your back but then right along with you in your

Brutal light may be a negative light but still
at least it is some type of light. At least even
if it's faking it still acts lovingly. Brutal light
considers itself better than all.

It considers itself holier than all and purer
than all! It does not waste it's time with
outsiders but it temporarily deals with

The loving light must never become as the
brutal light! The loving light must show love
and accept all no matter what the walk of
life is. Loving light must only hate, hate itself!

Brutal light condemns loving light but loving
light does not condemn brutal light. Loving
light loves in spite of and only stays focused
on being greater love.

Brutal light reaches the people it reaches
and loving light reaches those it reaches.
The two may come together sometimes
in cases of spreading greater love.

Both lights care to spread love but have
different ways and beliefs on how to
spread it. Those beliefs can do both
condemn or help each other.

They are as the sun and moon. One
is for the day and the other for the
night. On rare occasions they both
show up together sometimes.

The bond they share between each other
is love. They both want to see the world
do and be better! It may seem the two
are enemies at times but the true enemy
is hate and darkness. Negativity!

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