Chapter 2 {Not telling my true feelings}

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"Tommy, i'm your best friend. You can tell me anything, if you did say something bad about me, i forgive you."

"It's not that, i-if i tell you, you're just gonna make fun of me."

"Why would i do that?"

"Cus, i-i-i'm-"

Your what? Upset? Hurt? What happened and who was it?"

"I'm both of those things, it's just, ergh! I can't say it cus, i don't want it to wreck our friendship." I said getting up and playing with my fingers.

"What? Tommy, please just say it." 

"I can't say it to you Adam, it's personal and too much pressure for me to say to you." I said trying to hold my tears back.

"Tommy, i'm not trying to pressure you or anything, nothing could reck our friendship." Adam said rubbing my back.

"it will if i say it, i-i-i-I CAN'T FUCKING SAY IT!" I said raisng my voice at myself and started crying.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" Adam said hugging me and kissing my head, i felt so safe being in his arms.

"*cries on his shoulder* I can't say it, you're gonna hate me if i do."

"What is it?"

"*sighs* You're gonna hate me but, *sighs* i don't like you dating Sauli. There! I said it! Now go on and hate me."

"Is that what this was about?"


"*laughs* Tommy, if you didn't like me dating him, why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"Cus, you seemed so happy being with him and i didn't want to hurt you by saying i don't like you dating him."

"Tommy, i don't care if you do or don't like him."

"What? I thought boyfriends are suppose to take their other boyfriend's side, not their friend's."

"Yeah but, you're my best friend and always will be and it's ok if you hate him, i ain't pissed."

"I don't hate him dating you, i just don't like him and the reason why i didn't say it was cus, i didn't want you to get offended by it."

"*laughs* Tommy, that's your opinion, not mine. I won't tell Sauli you said that."

"*smiles* Thanks Adam, but that's not it actually."

"Really? What else are you hiding?"

"I'm just gonna come out and say it since i told you i don't like Sauli, *sighs* I like you Adam, a lot."

"As a friend or boyfriend?"

"*sighs* I don't know, i was trying to figure that out too it's just, i don't know, i guess i had these feelings inside me that made me like you, i know your dating Sauli and i respect that but, i just have a crush on you. I'm not asking to be your boyfriend, i'm just saying i have a mini crush on you. Please don't hate me."

"So what? Gay guys come at me and you don't see me hating them."

"Yeah i know but, still. I just wanted you to know that."

"Thanks Tommy, i really do appreciate you telling me that." Adam said hugging me.

"Oh! You're welcome." I said hugging back.

"Get some sleep, tomorrow we have to go and play for the concert at the park."

"Kay, night." 


Adam's pov:I can't believe Tommy likes me that way! I was shocked to hear it from him considering he's straight and all but still! I like Tommy a lot but, i don't think i like him that way. I'm dating Sauli, i don't think he'll be too happy with Tommy liking me that way and me liking Tommy that way. I gotta tell Tommy i don't like him that way, it'll break his heart and i feel bad it will but, he has to know i don't like him that way.

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