Chapter 1 (Luke's P.O.V)

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My alarm was going crazy, eight in the morning, and I was having none of it. I don't want to go to school, I have been working non stop for the past week, and it's monday. I slowley got out of bed, and went downstairs for brekfast. My uncles had made oatmeal for me, and was already off to work, guess I was driving myself to work. There was a note on the fridge.

"Dear Lucas:

I tried to wake you up but you kept refusing, I hope you are up before ten, anyays sorry I had to rush, I promised the new neigbors you would be their son's ride to and form school, he goes there as well and he is a Freshman, be nice!

Love Uncle Jasper <3"

Oh great a freshman, Hope he isn't your typical cocky ass whte boy, oh well better start eating. I ate my brekfast, shaved, got dressed and left. I went to knock on the neighbor's door so I could get the freshy. Im a Junior I don't normally hang with fresman, but who knows he could be cool. I knocked on the door and a Woman who reeked of alcohaul opened the door.

"Oh you must be the conard boy, Joey's all ready for you to take him." She was slurring her words a bit, I saw a timid boy standing behind her. "Joey say hi to luke, have a good day at school!" She pushed him out the door and slammed it.

"Hey I'm Luke, Im a Junior." I stuck out my hand.

"H..hey I'm Joey." He looked at his feet, tightly holding onto his lunch box. "I'm sorry about my mom, she has an alcohaul problem." Wow this boy was really shy.

"Kay, well if you need any help with anything feel free to ask, let's go." We walked over to my car, and I drove off. He sort of sat their in silence,  and we didn't make any eye contact. "So uh, what made you guys want to move out here?" I ask trying to break the awkward-ness. 

"Oh my mom's work is all." He was a very monotoned boy, I had the feel that he was lying. If only I could look into his eyes, usually I can tell how someone is, or what they are thinking. He had long bangs that covered his right eye, and he wouldn't even look at me. 

"So what are ya into, sports, music, art?" I asked

"I draw and paint, I sing and dance a bit, I also play video games." He said.

"Cool, I actually sing, I am also in art club, if you ever want to join, then we have a spot open." I said, hoping to get something out of him. 

"Sounds cool..."He started to gaze out of the window. After about five more minutes of awkward silence, we finally pulled into the student parking lot at my High School, Pluto High. We walked in, and he actually talked to me. "Hey do you know where the art room is, it's my homeroom." He asked.

"Oh hey that's my homeroom, wanna sit together?" I asked trying to be freindly.

"Okay I guess." He said as we walked to art class. I sat down with my freinds, Tyler, Sawyer, and Britney, I sat down, but Joey just stood by the door way, sort of shaking. 

"Hey Luke who's that?" Asked Sawyer.

"Um, that's my new neigbor Joey, my Uncles basically made me his ride to and from school, and he's quite shy so I figured I'd try to get him some freinds." Before I knew it Britney walked over too him and starte talking to him, she drug him over here.  "Haha, I see you met Britney, This is Sawyer and Tyler."

"Hey!" Tyler said

"H...hi" Joey said as he Shyly sat down.

"MORNING STUDENTS" Said the teacher, Ms.Taylor, as she walked in. "Okay let me take attendance and we will get started!" She went through all of the names, until she finally got to Joey's name. "Joseph Graceffa?" She said.

" just call me Joey" He said timidly. 

"Oh okay, well welcome to my class Joey, this is a place for you to be yourself and be free, i'm Ms.Taylor, but you can call me Ms.BLT." She laughed. "So class, today we are going to do some free drawing, because I want you to draw what your feelings are, and then  tomorrow we will turn them into a painting. We all got out our sketch books and started drawing. Joey instantly took out his ipod and listened to his music. He just looked down at his sketch book, which was black, and had a broken heart on it.  Time passed and we all finished our sketches. "Okay class, class is over, now i'll see you all tomorrow. Joey walked off with his headphones still in. He left his sketchbook behind. "JOEY YOU..." I tried calling for him but he couldn't hear me. 

"Don't worry Luke, i'll get it to him." Said Britney. She took the book and ran off.

"Strange kid Luke." Said Sawyer. Strange kid indeed.

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