Chapter 4 (Joey's P.O.V)

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It was finally lunch period, and I caught up with Justine in the hallway.

"Hey Joey, do you want to sit with me and my friends?" She asked.

"Er, will the think i'm a freak?" I asked timidly.

"No, why would they think that." She asked.

"Well it's my disorder, I was called a freak because of my purple eyes."

"Oh don't worry Joey, we are sort of known as the awkward group anyways." She laughed. We walked into the cafeteria and she led me to where her friends are sitting. It was the same people that Luke introduced me to in art, oh god, now I'm a bit nervous.

"Hey Joey." Said Luke as he waived at me. I gripped my  lunch-box tighter and looked down at my feet.

"H..hey" I stuttered.

"Oh well you guys have obviously met." Said Justine.

"Yeah Justine, he moved in next door to me, and my Uncles made me his ride to and from school." Luke said.  I timidly sat down next to Luke, and I felt something tap my leg. I looked down and it was my sketch book. I quickly grabbed it and put it in my book bag.

"Th..thanks." I said looking down.

"Listen Joey, we don't judge, infact we aren't the most popular people in the school exactly, so feel free to be yourself around us." Luke said, trying to comfort me.

"Okay." I slowly looked up at him, and he looked me dead in the eye.

"Woah, you have beautiful eyes." he said.

"R..really" I say, he thinks my eyes are beautiful, maybe there is a chance he'd like me back.

"See Joey I told you that you weren't a freak." I looked up at the people sitting at my table.

"Wow Joey, they are gorgeous." Said Tyler.

"Wow if I was gay i'd be in love with you" Said Sawyer.

"R....really, you all think my eyes are beautiful." I say.

"Yeah, I mean I'd kill to have purple eyes like that." Said Justine. This was great, people actually didn't think I was a freak, they actually accepted me, and didn't laugh at me. 

"Hey Joey, there is a GSA meeting after school today, you want to come?" asked Tyler.

"Um, well luke is my only ride, so I'm not sure, Luke do you usually go?"

"Oh yeah, pretty much have an after school thing almost everyday during the week. Would your parents mind if you came to them, I'm pretty sure you'll like them." He said.

"I doubt my parents would care at all, I'll come." I say. We ate our lunches and I actually had friends for once. 

*Fast forward to the last period of the day,*

My lat period was humanities, which means I am in the same class for two periods. We have already done the English, our teachers where Mr. Deyes, and Mr. Butler. They where both british, and apparently together. Thankfully I was with Justine and Britney where in my class with me. We were talking about world war 2, and Nazi Germany, and all of that stuff. The final bell rang and Britney took me to the room where the GSA was held. It was the biology room, and Mr.Lush was the teacher supervisor. 

"Well hello Joey, I see you and Justine got along." Said Mr.Lush.

"Yeah, thanks for making her work with me Mr.Lush." I said sheepishly.

"Oh call me matthew, and you're eyes are amazing." He said.


"Ello!" said two guys in unison as they walked in.

"Hello Dan, Phil, how are you." Said Tyler.

"Amazing Dan and I are happier than ever." Said the one in the Nyan cat shirt. "Who's the new kid.?"

"Oh that's Joey, he just moved here from Massachusets." Said Sawyer.

"Well Nice to meet you, I'm Phil and this is my boyfreind Dan. So how are ya liking Canada?" He asked.

"Well I have learned that there are a lot of gay British couples, and people don't seem to mind my disorder." I said.

"What your eyes are purple!" Exclaimed Dan.

"Hehe, yeah, no one know what it really is, and people at my old school thought it was freakish." I said.

"But it's so cool though!" Said Phil. Everyone was laughing and having a good time, and I was making even more freinds at this gsa, we talked about the Trevor Project, and other ways to prevent suicide, and Mr.Lush made Vegan brownies. It was great.


So to anyone actually reading this, i started watching dan and phil and they are funny, no I dont ship them quite yet, and Subscribe to Phil because he deservs to reach 2million subs befor that sleaze Nash Greir. I also dont ship phan or malfie....yet ....give it time (LOL i origionally typed Dan instead of Phil, anyways go sup to phil nao so nash grier can SUCK HIS BRITISH DICK)

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