Chapter 2 (Joey's P.O.V)

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I walked to my next class as quickly as possible, which is biology. Yes, I'm a freshman in Biology, i'm a "nerd" according to the people at my last school, a "fag" to others, I've been called everything under the sun, including "Freak". That's why we moved here, not because of my mom's work, after I got beat up for the 8th time that week, I tried to kill myself. My dad stopped me, and we moved away from Massachusets, and moed here, to Prism Vally Canada, population roughly 450 people. Luke seemed nice, and attractive, but he'd never go for someone like me. Him and his freinds were probobly just trying to be nice, why would any one be freinds with me. Except in him, I felt like he was being genuine. I was listening to "Fallen Angels" by Black Veil Brides. I found the Biology room and quickly sat down in the back corner of the room. The teacher walked in, and seemed a bit too happy here.

"MORNING CLASS!" He said."Oh I see we have a new student today." Fuck, of course he notices me first. "I'm Mr.Lush, what's your name."

"J...Joey...." I stutter out.

"Oh well welcome to Bio Joey, feel free to talk to me about any problems you are having. Okay class, today we are going to partner up and do a scavenger hunt outside! You have to find these things, and figure out their scientific name, using your hand books. Joey I'm going to get you one real quick." He said.

"SORRY I'M LATE MR LUSH!" Said a girl with brown hair. 

"Justine, again?" Said Mr.Lush laughing.

"Yeah, haha, I woke up late this morning. Sorry about that."

"Girl it's fine, why don't you partner up with our new student Joey. " Can't I work alone, oh well I guess I'll do what I did last period. 

"Okay!" She walked over to me and sat down. "Hey I'm Justine Ezerik."

"J...Joseph Graceffa, but call me Joey." I replied.

"Oh my gosh, I love your purple gauges, they go perfectly with your black lip ring!" She said.

"Th...thanks" I say, and I actually smiled,"

"Okay class let's go outside, and go on our scavenger hunt!" Said Mr.Lush.

We all walked outside with our partners, and began our scavenger hunt. Justin drug me over to a large tree/

"Okay, this is the biggest maple tree here, now we have to senslessly flip through that guide book."

"Um, okay, i'm not to keen on how this all works." I said, my last school didn't have the best education system.

"Okay, well you just have to identify it's features, then you flip to the page it tells you,see this tree is scientifically named Acerstatchyophyllum." She said.

"Okay, my last school hasd a really crappy education system." I said looking at her. She stopped and looked into my eyes.

"Oh my gosh your eyes are purple." She said. Oh no, this is one of the things that had me ridiculed at my old school. "That's so cool, and I love the eyebrow piercing!"

"Reall? Wow thanks! At my last school I was made fun of because I had purple eyes, they called me a freak."

"Well I think it's cool!" Wow, someone actually thinks my disorder is cool, have I actually made a freind.

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