Chapter 5 (Luke's P.O.V)

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The gsa meeting had ended, Joey and I hopped into my car and we drove home.

"So Joey, are you finally not so timid?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm actually glad I met you all, I'm also glad that you all didn't run away from me after looking me in the eyes." I said.

"Yeah, like Justine said we are the awkward group of the school, we aren't all that popular, and we tend to keep to ourselves. So what brought you and your family to Canada?" 

"Well, one day, after getting beat up and called fag for the 8th time that week, I went home...and tried to hang myself from my ceiling fan." He said.

"Oh my god, what stopped you?" I asked.

" dad heard that my sobs had stopped and he was worried, I had always been a bit suicidal, but I had never attempted it, I guess he got ahold of my sketchbook, and saw my drawings. We moved here a week later, they took me out of school as quickly as they could, and my parents got divorced. He still supports us financially, because he knows my mother cannot hold a job, and he really cares about me, he lives with us, and he sleeps in the room right next to mine, so he can make sure I am always okay." Wow, he must have had a fun of a time in America, the hell he must have been through, I sort of know how he feels, Middle school wasn't exactly great for me.

"I sort of know how ya feel bud." I said.

"Hm?"  He looked up at me, I had seen his eyes earlier today, but this time I actually got to look into them, the where like two beautiful amethysts. Glittering, and bright.

"Wow, they are beautiful." Luke, what the fuck!

"Haha, thanks you already said that." He giggled.

"I know, but I glanced at them, this time I actually got to look into them." I said, am I starting to crush on this Freshman? Gos I prolly sounded stupid

"Oh...really haha..." He looked down and started blushing. "Uh. so what where you saying before?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, well in Middle school, I made the bright desicionn to come out, honestly it wasn't the best Idea, I got repeatedly bullied, smashed into lockers, even pushed down some stairs. My parents found out, they kicked me out, they forgot to take my phone, so I called my uncles, and they took me in." I said.

(A/N: IDFK if luke really has gay uncles i just made up something..)

"Well Lucky you, my parents do not even know, My dad might be okay with it, but my mother however, is a bit different."

(A/N:Again, I am making this shit up so dont be all sassy in the comments all like "OH MAH GERD YOU DUMASS NON OF DAT IS REAL" bitch it's called fanFICTION for a reason.)

"How is she different?" I asked.

"My cousin came out last year, and my mother has forever forbade me to speak with him." He says.

"Wow, your mother has some real issues, well listen like I said, My house, and after school is a safe place, we are your freinds now and we will be here if you want to talk." I say His eyes suddenly brightened up, and glowed with happiness.

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