Chapter 6 (Joey's P.O.V)

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I looked up at Luke when he said that. I actually had real friends, people who didn't mind that I was gay, or think my disorder is weird. 

"Luke, you really mean that?" I ask.

"Yeah, like I said, we aren't really people to judge since we are sort of the awkward crowd anyways, you seem like a really cool guy Joey." He said. I was genuinely happy for once, I had real friends, I felt so happy. "Hey Joey, when Brit dropped your book, I saw the picture you drew of me."He said. Oh god, I instantly blushed and hugged my lunch box.

" did?" I say.

"Um yeah, you think I'm your saving grace?" He said.

" where the first person that I felt confortable around, from the instant I met oyu this morning, I felt something, I was still too shy to talk to you, but I felt safe around you." I sounded like such an idiot, my face was redder than my tank top right now.

"I'm glad you feel that way." He said as he pulled into his drive way. He leaned in closer to me, I was redder than red right now. I felt him kiss me on the cheek, and I think I lost all the color in my face. He actually kissed me.

"See ya kiddo. Hey if you wanna come over after you get all your homework done, and maybe play some Minecraft, or Call of duty, you are more than welcome to come over at any time!" He said.

"O...okay Luke, see yah in an hour." I grabbed my bag and ran over to my house. I opened the door and my dad was actually home early. "Oh hey dad, what's up?" I say. He was honestly the only member of my family I was close with.

"Oh hey son, I had a doctor's appointment so I left work early. Your doctor also called me, he said he may know what your disorder is." He said.

"Really, cool what is it."

"Son, concidering at your age you don't seem to have any body hair, and you are generally pailer than you should be, he said it is a really rare disorder called Alexandria's Genisis." He said.

" rare, is it bad?" I asked  bit worried.

"Oh no, do not fret, it has no affect on your health,, It's actually the cause of your Vitman D difficiancy, so the only real thing is you just have to take your suppliments as usual. The doctor said it is literally a one in a million chance of happening, so it is actually pretty rare." He said.

"Well it's good to know that, Hey i'm gonna go do my homework now." I say going up stairs.

"Okay, and hey, since I'm off work early how about I take you and your freind out for chineese food." He says. I get to hang out with my dad, and my new freind, that's amazing. My dad works alot so I rarley get to see him, so this will be awsome!

(Comment if you get what the chineese food is a referance to)

*About 35 minutes later* 

I run dowstairs and my dad is waiting for me in the living room. "Hey did you text your freind?" He asked.

"Oh crap I forgot to ask for his number." I say

"Oh okay, he lives right next door, just go over and ask him." I throw on my black vans and run over to Luke's house. I knock on the door and a big burly man awnsers.

"Um...Hi, is Luke here." I say

"Oh yeah come on in, you must be Joey, he's upstairs. I'm his uncle Vincint, just sit down and I'll go fetch him." Vincint runs upstairs and fetches luke, I see a skinny man walk in, he looked very casual, and he had a cup of tea that smelled of lavender, and he was reading Pride and Predjudice.

"Oh you must be Joey, you are just Precious, are ya waiting for Luke, I'm his other Uncle Jasper." He said in a slightly flaming voice.

"Yeah, thanks for having your son take me back and forth to school." I say sheepishly

"Oh no problem Honey, anytime, so why ya here?" He asked.

"Oh my dad came home from work early and waned to know if Luke wanted to go get chineese food with us." I say.

"Oh well we don't mind at all, you and your father seem like nice people."  Luke came downstairs with a blue hoodie and a tight white tank top. He had light blue ripped jeans and blue converse.

"Hey Joey what's up?" He asked.

" do you wanna go get Chinese food with me and my dad?" I ask.

"Yeah, I wanted to hang out with you anyways." He says


Sorry its a bit slow at the moment, and this is up late.

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