Home at last

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I didn't want to get up. I was perfectly content to stay exactly where I was for another five hours--and I was certain that my den-mate felt the same way.

I ran a paw down Nadie's shoulder, squeezing at her fur. The simple sensation of her fur beneath my digits was enough to remind me that yes, she was real and yes, she was still here. She was tucked around my back, with her own paw resting along my spine, while I'd craned my forepaw back against her. Reaching around wasn't comfortable for me, but frankly, I didn't care.

This is nice. I snuggled in tighter, pulling her forepaw across my chest. Ah. That's it.

"Hey, are you guys up--oh, for crying out loud."

Even thought my eyes were closed, I still scowled in annoyance. "Go 'way."

Daanis pawed at the den's entrance. "No. Everyone else is already waiting for you by the creek."

I wiped my face miserably. "Why?"

"I'm supposed to set you Omegas up with patrol runs, remember?" I heard her sniffing loudly. "Humfrey..."

I pulled my eyes open and craned my neck back, glaring at the golden-brown Alpha standing in the entrance. She looked ragged and quite frazzled, gazing down into our den.


Her gaze darted down to my tail. "You're not knotted right now, are you?"


She looked between Nadie and I apprehensively. "Because if you are, that isn't gonna fly with me. You're not getting out of patrolling. I'll make you two walk knotted if I have to."

I let out a snarl and rolled over. "No, we're not. See?" I shook Nadie awake, keeping my glare focused on Daanis the whole time. "Come on, Nadie. Wake up."


"Me too, but Daanis is gonna drag you out if you don't get up now."

She blew a raspberry. "Fiiiiiine. Just...gimme a minute."

I crawled out of the den, lowering my head slightly for Daanis. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

The Alpha snorted in surprise, before cuffing me under the chin and bringing my head back up. "Just because we're in true pack now doesn't mean you have to go all submissive around me, Humfrey. This isn't the Atikaki pack."

"What? I know, I just--"

"Don't. Just don't. You've been ignoring my authority for months now and I am honestly not okay with that changing. Besides, submission coming from you is weird. It doesn't fit you."

I sighed. "Okay, okay. I'll try to be rude and ignore you whenever I can. Happy?"

Daanis nodded smugly. "Good." She cast a glance over her shoulder, back towards the main den. "Kinda weird, isn't it? Being back in an actual pack, with a real den?"

"A little. It certainly beats that dump we called home back in Kinwaw."

"You think so?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I mean, there's no grain silo here for me to climb up and break anything on, there aren't any piles of rubbish lying around..."

Daanis considered. "Yeah, you're right. Although it would be nice to have something for the winter. You don't want to spend all those long, cold winter's nights in a cave, do you?"

"Ah, you got me there."

My Alpha friend pointed back towards the main den. "Machk suggested we build a cabin for the winter."

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