Chapter 1

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Happy one year anniversary guys. Hope to god people somehow like this piece of crap. Cause I kinda don't. Then again I don't like most of whay I do.

Laurence breathed out a sigh as the plane came in for a landing, meaning he would have to meet his father soon. He groaned as he got up having been sitting in the same spot for more than a couple hours now. It was one of the biggest things he hated when he came back home for visits.

His family was originally from the states, but because of some stupid shit his father Hayden moved himself and his wife to a small town in the UK. Thankfully for him and Cadenza already having moved out, they didn't have to move here as well. And he was very grateful for that, since he may not have gotten to get together with Garroth if he went with his family.

He probably would have missed out on a lot of things, like the play, the parties, not meeting everyone he had. As he grabbed his carry on he chuckled to himself, since he remembered how well him and McCloud had gotten along. And he never expected that thought to go through his head without a mocking tone. But, then he remembered something, he just left all of them.

All the friends he made, all the memories, and all the laughs. He wasn't able to bring all of his possessions with him, so he decided to take only the essentials. A few days before he left he asked a few of his friends to gather up a bunch of pictures they had, just anything. He took the pictures, made copies of them, and made an album. He was sure to take as many pictures as possible of him and his Gar-gar.

As well as that he took majority his cloths. But left his favorites with Garroth to remember him by. Of course he also had his phone. But he didn't expect to have that long. His father would take it from him and remove any evidence of Garroth. That was why he also got a disposable phone to call him. It had all of his contacts and pictures on it incase his real one was ever stolen from him or if his dad smashed it. He wasn't sure which would happen first.

Walking down the crowded walkway with the hundred other people getting off the plane was an experience he wasn't wanting to go through again for quite some time as he was able to squeeze his way through a crowd of meifwa that were taking up the only exit to get into the boarding area. To his surprise his father wasn't there to greet him, rather one of the few people he knew from the small town his dad moved to.

He was a pale fellow, having red eyes and his hair being pulled back slightly. If he had an umbrella you would have thought that he was vampire here to pick some dumbass for a snack. Sadly, Laurence couldn't escape his father that easily. He sighed as he walked forward towards the man, if his memory was correct his name was Vincent. As he approached he spoke, "How much did Hayden pay you to pick me up, I'll pay you double to take me the opposite direction."

Vincent laughed quite loudly as Laurence finished his sentence, "What makes you think i got payed to do this? Maybe i just wanted to pick up my only friend from the states, did you think of that?" He remarked with a smirk.

Laurence rolled his eyes quickly while Vincent spoke, "Sure man, sure." Vincent rolled his eyes in response. "Seriously, why are you here?"

"Your father called me up and said that you were visiting, so since he didn't want to bring Caleb here ,he asked me to get you." Vincent answered him. Laurence sighed and grumbled. Of course his dad would send an old friend of his, use him as like a spy to find out about his personal life. It made him sick.

"Should have just let me walk Vincent, i would have prefered the workout." He said jokingly. Both he and his old friend chuckled walking out to the parking lot, joking most of the time. Soon they reached Vincents old hearse, making Laurence laugh more, "Dude, you still haven't sold that piece of goth junk?"

He started chuckling as well, "Why should I? She still works and gets me around from town to town. Plus it makes it look like I'm still that stupid goth from high school." He stuck out his tongue at the last part before laughing again.

"You thought you were a vampire in high school dork." Laurence said in between his laughs and chuckles. He opened up the passenger door and climbed in the same time as Vincent. He looked around inside and saw that it hadn't changed in that great of detail over the years. Still black interior, a hole in the back so you can climb into his small mobile apartment, and pictures of the both of them strung about the place.

The two of them buckled up (Because safety is important children. Wouldn't want you breeding and create more little monsters now do we.) and Vincent started the car. They drove through the countryside, passing through some small towns. The drive took a few hours to reach the small village of Meteli. As Laurence saw it, he felt his stomach turn into a knot.

He had vowed to never come back to this town for as long as his father lived, it would cause him too much pain. As Vincent drove through the town he saw many similar buildings and people. He pulled up his legs to his chest and sighed heavily, "Hey, can i ask something of you Vinc?"

"Of course man. You can always ask me anything." He said as he pulled up the hill that lead to Haydens place.

"Do you, think there is anything wrong with liking someone of the same gender?"

"NOT AT ALL!!" Vincent said both too quickly and excited that it confused Laurence. What Laurence couldn't tell because he was too oblivious or because of what was happening to him, was that Vincent always liked him. Vincent had always believed that he and Laurence would be a perfect match.

From as long as V could remember he found the brunette beautiful. His laugh, hair, eyes, body... everything. He felt as though this was finally his chance to be with the boy of his dreams, he cleared his throat knowing he was too excited and acted chill, "So um, why do you ask?"

"Cause.... I want you to meet my boyfriend..." Laurence said with a slight smile and near waterfall of tears. "After all, you are my oldest friend.." Sadly for Vinc, Laurance was already taken. The paler male gritted his teeth violently. Actually hearing one of them crack. He than decided to send his anger to his hands than his mouth. He gripped the steering wheel tightly.

Laurence noticed the car swerve and griped the handle near him tightly, "Jesus Vinc! Little warning next time." He chuckled nervously.

Vincent stayed silent as he pulled in front of Hayden's place, parking at the end of the long driveway Laurence would have to walk down. "We're here." he said coldly.

"Um, thanks man." He said climbing out, grabbing his stuff from the trunk, and stood at the end of the driveway. He turned back and looked at the pale male, "Guess I'll see you around man." he said before waving goodbye and started to walk down the driveway.

Vincent stayed there for some time before driving shortly out of sight, he groaned loudly, "Damn it Vincent!!! You missed your chance!!"

And that's where i'm leaving this off here cause i have been working on it for months but i'm still not satisfied with it but i don't wanna go crazy writing this ONE CHAPTER, so yeah. Please forgive me for taking so long to make this, Biodragon out.

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