Chapter 2

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Garroth stayed in the parking lot for what felt like hours. He didn't want to leave. In his heart broken mind Laurence was gonna be walking out of the doors any second now. He would walk out those doors and everything would be alright. They would just stay together for the rest of their lives and not care about their families businesses, nor the old feud they had.

But of course it wouldn't happen. He witnessed his love getting on the plane and leaving him for who knew how long. Garroth would have started crying again, but he spent most of them hours ago. He rested his forehead on the steering wheel and took a deep breath, a couple of times.

After this he turned the key of the car and slowly backed out of the spot and towards the highway. His hands trembled as he held onto the steering wheel, jittering from side to side. Garroth feared that he would crash every time he took a turn. Fearing that he would be hurt without someone to make sure he was okay.

Two hours later and alot of deep breathes he finally got home. Shakily he left the car and made his way to the front door, nearly falling over acouple of times. Fumbling with his keys Garroth opened the door and prepared to walk inside.

As he walked inside he was suprised to see everyone on the street inside, with a banner saying 'Farewell Laurence!'. All eyes came on Garroth as he closed the door behind himself and gulped a ball of spit that built up without his notice.

"Um Gar, where's Laurence?" Aph asked moving towards him and holds his hand.

"Oh.... if I remember correctly, flying over the Atlantic Ocean..." He rubbed his neck nervously.

"You mean he left without having any of us there to see him off!?" Aphmau asked irritated.

"Y-Yeah... he just wanted it to be me and him.." Garroth felt like wanting to sulk into a corner and disappear until Laurance called him.

Vylad worked his way towards Garroth and patted his shoulder, "Hey it's okay big brother. Lets get you to bed and lay down." He took his hand and led him back to his room.

Garroth averted eye contact from others, not wanting to see the questions rolling around inside their heads. He most of all didn't want the pity. There was nothing worse than having the pity of the entire fucking neighborhood just because you miss your boyfriend.

Vylad opened the door and followed Garroth into the room, quickly turning to him as the door shut and hugged him tightly. "Big brother I am so sorry, I can't imagine what you're going through right now.."

He hugged back, "lots of pain." He wanted to cry so badly, but felt as tho he shouldn't in front of his little brother, so he let go and patted his brothers shoulder. "Thank you Vlyad, could I please be alone?" His brother nodded and walked out of the room.

Garroth sighed and crawled onto his bed, done with the world for now.


As Vlyad closed the door behind he was quickly met by stares of query, the party guests obviously wanting to know what was happening to Garroth, "Look guys, I don't even fully know what is going on." 

A few people in the back of the room sighed and groans quietly. A werewolf from their high school days, Fenrir stepped forward, "Well then I'm waiting here to find out. Toke the whole day off to be here after all." 

A few of the other people nodded their heads in agreement and sat down on the couch, while a couple others started to filter out of the house. Those leaving were mostly side characters that haven't gotten enough development in the series just because Aphmau believes we will just forget about them, but we don't Jess, SO BRING THESE FUCKING CHARACTERS BACK FOR CHRISTS SAKE! LIKE MONTY, MCCLOUD, REESE, MARSH, POLLY, TOMMY, THE MUSSETEIRS, KRYSTAL, AND SATIEL!!! I MEAN DOES ANYONE EVEN REMEMBER HIM OR AM I JUST ALONE ON THIS PNE ,AN WAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?

May have went into a rant there. Back to the show.

But even after a few hours some of the others left as well to go home or to work. Garroth was still just lying in bed, staring longingly at his phones screen, "you said you would call once you landed...."

Those who try to take you from me - garrance book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon