Harry's Love Story..Chapter 1: Hangouts .:)

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I felt his hot breaths on the back of my neck, just a few inches taller, Me and Harry were standing in a very small space in the hallway, waiting for Lily to pass by, to scare her, out bodies were very close, he stood behind me and we kept waiting ''where is she?'' he whispered close to my ear ''wait ... there she is!'' I whispered back as I saw my favorite blonde girl in the whole school, ''One ... Two ... Three'' I whispered and we jumped in front of her ''BOO!!'' We yelled and she jumped with a tiny panic scream, me and Harry were laughing so hard while she just started hitting me with her history book I shield myself ''Ouch, Ouch, ouch!'' I said still laughing ''You scared the hell out of me!'' she exclaimed and smacked Harry he was still laughing as he rubbed his head ''That was meant to happen!'' I said she raised her eyebrows at me, after me and Harry calmed down I asked ''What do we have now?'' she looked at her watch then at a paper she had ''Ummm ... Maths'' she said I sighed ''I'll go get my books!'' I said and walked away, I heard footsteps behind me I glanced at the person as I was opening my locker and Harry stood next to me with his bouncing curls settling in place, ''What's wrong Styles?'' I asked he shook his head and golden brown curls and smiled, ''Nothing, just forgot my books .. again'' he said I let out a tiny chuckle ''Again?! Harry, this is the third time .. this week!!'' Lily said as she stood next to me, he shrugged ''I just don't seem to remember'' he said and we laughed then I closed my locker and we walked to the class.

After school, I walked with Lily to my house and we started talking as we were walking ''Hey Destiny'' she said I looked at her then back at the road I'm walking ''Yeah?'' I asked ''Do you ever .. like ... umm Miss Harry?'' she asked I thought what brought this up to her after all this time, ''Uhh .. No, not at all'' I said ''I know he cheated on you .. but when you started off, I remember you were very happy! all the freaking time!'' she said I laughed and shook my head ''He's nothing more a friend to me right now, and will always be!, anyway why are you bringing this up?'' I asked she shrugged ''Just wondering'' she said ''OK'' I wasn't convinced but I let it go, after a few minutes we were next to my house I hugged her goodbye and went into the house, ''Hello!'' I called dropping my bag next to the table, No one was home, I walked around and then got into the kitchen to find A note on the fridge, (Dear Destiny and Liam, Me and your dad have some work to do, and we might be late, So you probably want to order food, or go to louis' house, we love you, behave xx) I sighed at the usual note I read almost everyday, you see mom and dad work at a company, they are busy all the time, and we hardly see them, so I'm used to, Lunched with the Tomlinson Family, who right next door, Hangouts with the guys, and spending nights at lily's, I decided to change quickly and go to the restaurant where Louis and Liam work at, and make them cook me something for lunch, I went to my room and changed into this :  [polyvore]

I went to the back door of the restaurant where there's a little yard where we sit everyday eating and having fun, it's our spot, we hang out there even after the restaurant is closed, I went there and saw Niall, Zayn and Harry are already there, Lily doesn't always come, she has to take care of her little sister while her mom and dad work, Niall's head shot up at the sound of my footsteps, he got up and walked towards me and gave me a tight hug ''Hey Niall!'' I said as we broke apart but he kept one arm sung around my neck ''How are you today?'' he asked ''Good'' I shrugged he laughed ''Let's sit down'' he said and we sat down, I sat between Louis and Niall, while Harry and Zarn were across from us, ''Looking good today Payne'' Louis said and winked at me I laughed and looked at myself then at him, he was wearing a pair of jeans with a red hoodie and a white T-shirt under it, I smiled at him ''Thanks, not so bad yourself'' I said winking back he let out a smile and that's when Liam came out from the kitchens ''Louis!'' he exclaimed louis' head shot at Liam and was expressionless as if he did something wrong, I chuckled, ''Yes Liam?'' he asked ''I though you were coming to help me! but instead you're sitting here talking to ... '' he just noticed he smiled and waved ''Oh hey Tiny'' he said I rolled my eyes at the nickname ''Hey Big bro'' I said and he laughed then Looked back at Louis and went serious again ''Louis! move your big arse and get back into the kitchen!'' he exclaimed and we all laughed when Louis jumped up and went to follow Liam into the kitchen. 

''No that's unfair ! I'm not doing it!'' I said shaking my head as we played truth or dare and Niall dared me to put a back of frozen ice on my stomach for half an hour, ''Oh come on!'' Zayn said ''I ate grass for you!'' Harry said I laughed then looked back at Niall ''You know that I hate cold stuff on my body and my stomach!'' I said he smiled and shrugged ''That's why I dared you in the first place!'' he said with his heavy British/Irish accent, I rolled my eyes but decided to do it anyways, I'll get revenge later, Liam got up and went to the kitchen and brought a pack of ice and I lied down on the floor with my head on Harry'd lap who happened to be sitting next to me then, so I found it easier to put my head in his lap than to put it on the floor, I raised my top to reveal just my stomach, and Liam handed the pack to Louis who put it gently on my stomach I shivered of the sudden super coldness that just touched the surface of my skin.   

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