Chapter 6 :Make A move.

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Destiny's P.O.V

I walked to school with Lily, ''How is working with Harry on the assignment? are there any 'Awkward' moments?'' Lily asked I thought and smiled to myself, If you call Kissing awkward than OK, ''No I think it's all OK, I mean we're both over the past and we're mature enough to act normal towards each other, I mean it HAS been a year'' I said she nodded ''I have been wondering lately'' she said ''About?'' I asked ''Umm do you think I should ask him out? you know make the first move?'' she asked ''Who?'' I played dumb while inside I'm hoping with all I have it won't be .. ''Harry'' she said, I gulped quietly ''Umm I don't know .. it's up to you'' I said looking away, why am I acting like this? ''OK can you at least ask him if he likes a girl to make the first move or something'' she said I nodded ''Uhh sure'' I said shrugging then we heard someone whistle, I looked behind me and saw Harry from a distance and I knew from his face he wanted to walk with me, he always hated walking to school alone, I looked at Lily as we stopped ''Umm I'll see you at school, Gotta see what he wants'' I said she rolled her eyes and nodded ''Fine.. see you later'' she said and walked away I walked towards Harry and we started walking side by side, He told stupid and geeky jokes that actually made me laugh ''OK, OK, why did the Mushroom go to the party?'' he asked and chuckled ''Why?'' I asked sarcastically ''Because he's a fun-gi'' he said I laughed at him laughing ''You're funny Harry!'' I said in a sarcastic girly voice he laughed some more, then we entered the school, and went to our lockers, English .. first class .. My new favorite.

''OK then you can go to the library to finish your work, and we'll meet back here at the end of the lesson, so I can give some home work'' Mr. Kingsley said me and Harry walked to the library with our notebooks, we sat on the table in the empty hallway from last time, it's now our place, surprisingly no one goes there, first we sat down and looked at each other smiling Harry looked at me and chuckled ''What?'' I asked amused ''Umm nothing just wondering if we're going to do anything'' he said shrugging ''Same here'' I said honestly he smiled he moved next to me and put his arm around my waist he gently kissed my lips. and as I kissed back it got rougher and better and well we kept kissing the whole time. ;)

''So umm I was wondering, there was a question on my mind, do you ever like a girl to make the first move or something like that?'' I asked at we walked to the class room he smiled ''Uhhh not all the times, I like to play my role as a dude as well'' he said winking, he threw an arm around my neck and we entered the class room, I sat on my seat and he sat next to me with his arm still around me, I didn't mind, Louis does that all the time and Niall too, so it's doesn't really matters it's in a friendly kind of way, The teacher gave us a homework and we walked outside the class room, me and Harry had a rest which is 4o minutes long! while Lily had spanish, we walked her to class and then went outside and walked to the kids park in the school, we sat on the swings and just talked, this thing between us the 'Benefits' got us somehow closer, I feel myself telling anything on my mind and everything and the same with him I guess he makes me smile and laugh and makes me feel extremely comfortable, it's just like old days.

Harry's P.O.V

I sat with her on the swings, she seems very comfortable and she makes me feel the same, I was open to tell her anything I wanted to, she was closer to me now, I don't know why, I wonder if she feels the same, Today, when she asked that question about the first move, did she mean to tell me to make a move on her, or was she trying to tell me that SHE wants to make a move?, this kept me busy, Before, when we were together I used to be able yo read her like an open book, How she feels, weather it's Sad, Happy, Disappointed, Frustrated, anything! I used to know her more than anyone did, Maybe .. just Maybe even more than Niall or Lily!, ''OK, see that tree there?'' I asked she looked at where I was pointing, It was a tree in the beginning of a part of a forest, I still have to figure out why they don't block that forest I mean kids could get in there and got lost! isn't that kind of stupid?, ''Aha, what about it?'' she asked ''I'll race you there, and the first one who gets there, gets a kiss'' I said winking, It was a win win, I'd get a kiss weather she won or I did, and same for her, ''why don't you just ask for a kiss normally?'' she asked I got up ''Oh you were serious?'' she said as I started to run I heard her footsteps behind me I ran faster and faster then I got an Idea I ran into the forest deep inside.

Destiny's P.O.V

He started running and I ran behind him, I wasn't the best runner, but I ran to get him, I noticed he ran into the forest passing the tree we agreed on, I stopped ''What is he trying to do?''' I asked myself and then continued running, I ran inside, deeper and deeper, no sign of the curly boy I'm looking for, I stopped catching my breath I looked around me, I didn't know where I cam from, which direction? Shit! I'm lost!   I looked around again hoping Harry would pop out of somewhere, ''Harry?'' I asked ... nothing ''HARRY!'' I shouted, still nothing ''God where is he?'' I asked out loud, I stood there and listened I couldn't hear anything but the sound of the wind with the trees, I always had a fear of being alone in a place I didn't know, I always had fear of getting lost and my biggest fear of all is death, weird I know!, I sighed not knowing what to do, freak out? shout for help? do what?  I must of been standing here for 10 minutes now, ''BOO!'' someone gripped my shoulders from behind it made me jump and scream in panic, almost pissing myself I turned around and saw Harry, with a cheeky smile on his face I didn't care what he was about to say, the moment I saw him I hugged him tightly burying my head and face in his chest, he was surprised at first but hugged back, I was shaking, he made me face two of my biggest fears!! and he also made my heart Almost stop!! I was scared as hell! I breathed heavily he hugged me tightly, when I pulled away I glared at him I started hitting min on the chest but not too hard, ''Ouch ouch!'' he said laughing at my reaction stopped and kept glaring ''what's wrong?'' he asked still laughing ''I hate you!'' I said in bitter ''Why?'' he said still laughing what was so funny!?,  ''You know, you know that being alone and lost is my fear! but you go and joke around about it!, why did you do that? thought you could have a laugh?!, stupid, you're so stupid!'' I snapped, don'r blame me, I wasn't myself, I was angry and scared, he frowned and ran his hands on his face ''Oh My God, Destiny, I'm sorry, I totally forgot, please, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, I didn't think like that! I wasn't making fun of you'' he said apologizing, I walked passed him, he followed ''wait Destiny! wait!'' he said but I didn't stop I walked faster, ''Destiny ... Bright Brown! wait!'' he said I stopped freezing in my place, Bright Brown, was the nickname he gave to me when we were together, It was based on my eyes color, I used to hate it at first, but he never stopped calling me that, until we broke up, he stopped, he never called me that again, until this very moment, I turned around and looked at him ''What did you just call me?'' I asked he looked away, he looked at the trees behind me and at the skies ''Nothing..'' he said I laughed, I just wanted to hear it again and I'm not going to leave until I do!.

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