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"Hi, you've rea-"

"That was quite rude you know."

"Ah, burrito boy, you have returned."

"Indeed I have, and I will have you know that hanging up on someone is very rude."

"It is only rude if you consider it an actual conversation."

"You wound me, Miss Nobody. I'll have you know that I considered it a very real conversation."

"Oh I'm sure you'll heal. Now why are you calling again?"

"No reason in particular."

"Oh really? You have nothing better to do then destroy my peace and quiet?"


"Well then, if you have nothing better to do, care to tell me how your little burrito incident played out?"

"Oh, interested in my life now, aren't we?"

"Not really, I just wanna know if I'm talking to a murderer or not."

"Well, if you must know, I ended up forgiving my good old pal-"

"Ah, David I believe it was?"

"Yeah, him."

"You didn't even put up a fight? Man, and I thought you were a psycho, burrito boy."

"Once again, that was very rude. You didn't let me finish, Miss Nobody."

"Oh, then please, do continue. I'm practically on the edge of my seat."

"Sarcasm. I like it. Anyways, I forgave him because he apologized and offered me an even better meal."

"And what would that be?"

"Two burritos."

"Oh, how truly riveting. Tell me, when will we see a movie adaptation?"

"Later this year, I'm hoping. I'm thinking of casting Seth Rogan as David, and James Franco as myself."

"Ah, good choice, good choice. And who might play me? I think I have a right to be in this blockbuster, seeing as I was SUCH a large part of this."

"Oh, I think Oscar the Grouch would be an ideal match."

"Oh, fuck you."

"Anytime, sweetheart."

"Oh, nice one, burrito boy."

"Why thank you, Miss Nobody."

"Ah, well- wait Tyler, Don't! That's not food! Well, alas, I must go. Duty calls."

"Aw, and I was having so much fun."

"I'm sure you'll survive without me. Later, burrito boy."

"Later, Miss Nobody. Tell that Tyler kid that if he's hungry, he should have a burrito, they're quite good."

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