Last Breath | russia

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U G H I'm supposed to be working on something else...

Character death and Grade 3 insults.
Russia's probably OOC. Oh well ;)

So, I was looking around on my computer and found this. I decided just to quickly finish this off and upload it. I also wanted to keep it short (short as in 7 pages) but look at what's happened. What can you do?

Привет: Hello
Да: Yes

P.S. The end is very bad (in my opinion, and the whole thing).
b y e
Russia's PoV

"You're a murder!"

"If you can walk backwards, then walk back into the womb."

"I heard he killed a teacher."

"You're a sadistic monster!"

Paper balls clash with my body as I walked in the whispering halls, books in hand. Insults were thrown at me, yet I paid no attention to them and walked to my next class, keeping my usual facial expression. "Oi, loser. Watch where you're going!" I ignored the comment and carried on. Furiously, my antagonist blocked my path and backed me onto the wall. I stayed calm, knowing what will happen next. "You're supposed to apologise. Apologise now or you'll suffer." I paid no attention, earning a slap to my pale face. "Привет, Alfred."

Alfred scowled and adjusted his glasses. I kept my childish smile on my face, not caring if my bully was with me. "You disgust me, Ivan. You really should go to Hell." I disregarded what he said and took my leave. "I'll be back and you'll be sorry!" He screamed. I really didn't care about him, so I replied, "Okay. I will look forward in seeing you."

I casually walked to my next lesson, English. I entered the classroom, only being greeted with silent murmurs.

Ignoring the stares, I walked to my desk and placed my books down. The whispers settled when the teacher walked in. "Good morning class," he said, "You know the drill." I stayed quiet, organizing my books, until my name was called. "Ivan Braginski?"

"Here, Sir," I replied, ignoring everyone.

We were half way through English when I felt some spitballs hit my back. I ignored them for a while—fifteen minutes before the end of school, when one hit me square in the jaw. Irritated, I glanced back in disgust to see some boys smirking and sneering. "Ivan! Turn around right now!" I obeyed the teacher's command, not wanting to get into more trouble. The boys snickered behind me. I kept quiet for the rest of the lesson.

Ding Ding

Everyone rushed to pack his or her belongings to go home while I, at a steady pace, finished my work. By the time I finished, all that was left was dust from the stampede of people. It didn't take long for me to exit the school and walk to the woods; I didn't want to go home just yet. Hurrying at some moments, I sauntered past groups of people down the streets, wanting to get to the forest before dusk. I glanced up at the sky. Dark clouds were scattered like grey paint on a canvas as I wandered through the streets.

Before I knew it, I managed to get to the start of the woods. I stepped into the snow-covered forestry. It began to snow. Though beautiful, the snow was cold and sharp, like a wolf, biting into my fingers with its sharp icy teeth. Snow is as dangerous as any drought or lightning storm—it could kill you, yet I couldn't ignore its gracefulness. The way the delicate pieces of cotton floated in the air, like silvery feathers. It was so calming—so mesmerizing...

I walked through the pathway of snow-covered trees, watching the surroundings with nostalgia. I've done this so many times, yet I've always been so intrigued with these woods that I'd come to my favourite spot. It didn't take long to reach it. I walked out the woodlands, snow crunching under my boots, and found my way to the same cliff edge I'd always watch the sunset. The view always left me breathless.

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