Science Partners | England x Reader

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Drabble ; )
Aren't drabbles supposed to be short, and not take too long?
tbh i have the same thoughts as the reader
jk jk
"You are such a brat, Arthur," you spat to the Brit, scribbling on your notebook.

"Look who's talking. You always complain about everything, (Name)," Arthur sneered back.

Now, Arthur and you hated each other. Some, meaning your friends, called it sexual tension, but you and Arthur agreed it was seething hatred. To make matters worse, you both had the same classes, and had to sit next to each other.

"Why do I hear talking, Arthur, (Name)?" Your Science teacher askes sternly, furrowing his brows.

"It's because you have ears, sir," you both sarcastically replied, under your breaths.

"Oi, don't copy me!"

"I said stop copying me!"

Being tsundere babies, you both usually said the same things at the same time, which resulted to arguments. It was chaotic, but definitely hilarious.

"I said it first. You were the one who copied," you argued.

"How dare you. It was me who said it first, imbecile," Arthur argued back.

"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" The teacher yelled, red in the face. You could see steam fly out both ears as he continued his yelling fit.

Everyone in the Science class were laughing and snickering, except for a few. Arthur rolled his eyes, while you sneered.

"Jeez, you look like a tomato," you mumbled, looking at the teacher's red cheeks.

"Yeah, a red-faced chipmunk," Arthur added in, causing you to snicker along with him.

Apart from all the tsundere action between you two, you got along pretty well.

"Fine," the teacher started. "If you two are going to keep on acting like that, then you'll both be partners in the project that'll add up to your report card," he said, smugly.

The look of horror on Arthur's face matched yours. Everyone in the class bursted into laughter at the facial expressions. The teachers comment only made the class laugh harder.

"I understand why people ship you two. I mean, you both are so similar."

You gawked at the teacher. He knows what shipping is! He knows what shipping is!

While you were in your little thought bubble, Arthur gaped at the teacher. "You cannot partner me up with (Name)! It'll be a disaster!"

The teacher clicked his tongue. "Well, that's what happens when you talk in my class. You, of all people, should know this Arthur. Besides, something good could happen while you're partners."

Arthur sarcastically laughed. Something good? He must be joking, right? "But, sir. Can't I just partner up with anyone else. I'll even go with a chair!" The Brit protested, pointing at an empty chair at the back of the class. Yeah, he really didn't want to work with you.

"Don't be like that, Arthur. That's what happens when you talk in his class. Besides, something good could happen," you mocked the teacher, tapping his desk.

"Nothing good could possibly happen with you around," he argued back, swatting your hand away.

"Well, if you want to do good in this project, you both should listen. I'm not going to repeat what I said, just for you two," the teacher explained, getting out some papers. "All you have to do is what we practised. Obviously I'll be choosing the groups, as I don't trust any of you to choose. Are there any questions?"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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