Closed Shops | spamano

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He's so adorable o m l
Short Oneshot. Looks like I rushed it. whoops//
Have fun with this

The last customer finally left, leaving Romano alone in his shop. The Italian was just about to close up his coffee shop when a strange brown haired man ran into it. "Hey, bastard, this store is closed." Romano almost instantly regretted it, surprisingly. When his light brown eyes met the strangers green eyes, time seemed to stop. "Oh, he's hot," Romano muttered under his breath.

"Hey, um, am I too late? Can I get a drink?" The stranger asked, oblivious to Romano's comment. "O-oh, um, sure. What do you want?" I can't believe a stranger made me stutter. "Latte, please." With a hot face, Romano went to fix up a latte, trying to ignore the  eyes watching him.

"What's your name?" The stranger asked, as if he knew Romano knew he was watching. "Romano," the Italian replied straightforwardly, pouring the milk into the brew. "Just Romano?"

Romano scoffed before sarcastically answering, placing the drink on the counter. "Yes, bastard. It's just Romano. Romano Vargas." The hot stranger chuckled, placing money on the counter and taking the latte. "I'm Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. Just call me Antonio or Toni," Antonio said, taking a sip of his latte. "Yes, bastard. Like I was going to say your entire name. You're Spanish, sì?"

Toni nodded. "Sí, I am. And I'm guessing you're Italian." Romano answered with a 'yes', looking at the clock. 9:41. He was supposed to close up at half-past nine. Antonio seemed to notice that Romano was thinking about the time, so he took the money off the counter and place it in Romano's hand. "I'll leave, now. Adiós." The Spaniard left, coffee in hand, and left Romano speechless.

"Well, now it's time to close up."


The next day, the same guy walked into the coffee shop. "Romano! Where are you!" Antonio yelled out, dragging the 'you'. Romano, who was talking to his brother, looked up to Toni running towards him.

"Romano!" He yelled, giving Romano a death hug over the counter. "Bastard, what do you want? I was talking to my brother," Romano huffed. His brother turned to Antonio. "Ciao! I'm Feliciano Vargas! Are you Romano's boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. He's tall, muscular, German and really, really loves sausage. I like sausage too, but pasta's even better. Hey, do you like pasta?" Feliciano ranted, waving his hands around.

"No, no boyfriend yet. I like pasta, but churros are better," Antonio answered. "I'm Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. Antonio for short, and Toni for shorter."

Romano interrupted the two. "Alright, bastard Toni, why are you here?"

The Spaniard faked a hurt heart; placing his hand against his heart and making the most pained expression. "I came to see my friend, that's why." Romano scowled, muttering under his breath. God, why is he so hot? "So, when do you finish your shifts, Romano?"

"Soon. That's all you need to know." Toni frowned. Even when he's not smiling he's sexy. "Aww, I just wanted to know if you're free, so I can take you out for churros."

The was a pause, before Romano agreed. "Fine. Give me five minutes. Feli, can you take over my shift?" Feliciano nodded. "Sure, I can do it now if you want."

And with that, Romano and Antonio left Feli in the coffee shop, going out to get some churros.


"Are you sure Feli's gonna be alright?" Antonio asked, taking a churro and biting into it. "He has his ways. And if he's stuck with something, his boyfriend will come help, as usual," Romano answered, sneering at the word 'boyfriend'. Hastily, the Italian bit a chunk of his churro and swallowed without chewing.

Antonio was about to ask about Feli's boyfriend, when Romano violently choked. "Romano, are you alright?" Antonio asked, patting the boys back, causing Romano to cough even more. "I guess you choke easily..." Antonio said.

Romano stopped coughing and processed what the Spaniard said. Seconds passed, until they both heated up. Romano especially; he looked like a sunburnt tomato. "Bastard," Romano mumbled, looking at the churros. Toni, again, was about to comment when the red-faced Romano shoved the last churro into his mouth.

"Keep quiet." Toni obliged, eating the churro. "I'm leaving. I need to see if my brother's doing well." It was a shit excuse, but it worked. And so, Romano left the Spaniard, who was munching on the churro, watching as the Italian left.


After the first two encounters, everyday Antonio would to the coffee shop. Romano would make sure he'd be there. Until one occasion, where Antonio wasn't there.

"Where'd that bastard go. I bet he's found someone better than me..." The Italian was about to go on when he received a message.

Hot Spanish Ass: Hey, can you go to the tree.

The Better Italian: what tree?

Hot Spanish Ass: The one I showed you. Come and talk to me there. Got smthn important.

Romano sighed. This could be a prank, but, at the same time, it couldn't be. Should I go?

In the end, Romano decided to go, leaving the coffee shop to go see Antonio. Somehow, they'd become closer. Far more closer than they intended. Let's just say Romano really, really liked Antonio. Very much. It was Antonio who'd shown him the tree; it was their favourite place to be.

"Antonio, you bastard! What do you want?" Romano shouted, speed walking towards Toni. Toni was sitting under the tree, watching the wispy clouds float by, until he turned his head. "Romano! You came! I thought that you wouldn't come," Antonio answered. Romano scoffed. "Of course I'd come. Well, you said you had something important to say, so what is it?"

Antonio looked away from Roma, who was sitting next to him, watching intently. "Um... well," he started off. "You see, we've known each other for a long time, right? So, um, I don't know how to say this..." He trailed on. "Just say it. I won't judge, I guess."

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Antonio blurted. Queue Romano's face going tomato-red again. "Uh... Yes, you bastard." This surprised Antonio. "What? Really?"

"Sì. I've found you hot since the day we met. I'd be a bastard if I said no." Antonio jumped and hugged Romano. Romano awkwardly returned it, not knowing what to do. That was until Antonio placed his lips against Roma's lips.

Romano cautiously returned the kiss, tilting his head for better access. Toni deepened the kiss, making it turn into a full make out. Sooner enough, they parted, lucky enough to stop.

They were both panting with red faces, until Romano said, "You bastard." Antonio looked genuinely confused. "What do you mean?"

"You're a bastard for stealing my heart."

Hetalia OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora