Chapter 14: Baseball Bats and Ski Masks

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*2 months later*

I hid behind the closet door, my chest heaving up and down. The dark of my closet engulfed me. I gripped the baseball bat tightly in my sweaty palms, prepared to swing. My body was overheating but I could care less. A man had entered my apartment and all I knew was that it wasn't Harry. He was tall and buff, with a black ski mask on. He looked like he was searching for something but nothing was catching his eye.

"Please God, I'll never look at Harry and think explicit thoughts again. Please save me just this once." I whispered to myself, momentarily closing my eyes and clasping my hands together, the bat still in my hands.

His booted feet patted along the hardwood floor of my apartment. I heard something fall and crash to the ground with the loud sound of glass shattering. I felt my eyes well up with tears of anxiety as I heard the man mumble to himself under his breath.

You know what? I work out and have strong arms. I've taken self-defence classes, back in high school.

It's okay, I got this.

I heard a large thump down the hallway and then a string of curse words as I heard the boots clicking closer and closer to my bedroom.  He chuckled lowly before whispering in a raspy voice, "Come out, come out wherever you are."

Never fúcking mind, I'm gonna die.

I peeked through the crack in the closet door as the man entered my room, looking around my room in suspicion. I held my breath as he suddenly stopped and turned towards the closet. He started walking closer as I gripped the bat tightly, preparing to swing. He wiggled his gloved fingers before grabbing the door handle and swinging it open.

I let out a battle scream as his eyes visibly went wide. I raised the bat in my arms and without another thought, I brought it down and hit him repeatedly with no hesitation. The man tried to curve my hits but when I kept on hitting, he let out squeals and sounds that sounded too familiar.

"Ow- fúck- Maria- Ow!" He grunted out between hits as I kept on going batshít crazy with the bat in my hands. "Stop- fúcking hitting me- Ow! Cut it out!" He yelled as I kept on hitting. He blocked my hit by grabbing the bat from my hands, throwing it absentmindedly behind him. He looked down at me, both of us out of breath.

"Oh my God," I breathed out before screaming at the top of my lungs.

If I was going to die, I may as well let everyone know that I am.

His eyes went wide again before he clamped a hand over my mouth. "Can you shut the fúck up?!" He yelled as I let out a whimper and looked at him with big eyes.

Just then, I bit into his finger to which he immediately let go. The man dropped to his knees. He let out a scream of agony. I took this as a chance to run. I sprinted into the hallway and eyed the vase on the small table, quickly grabbing it. Carefully, I dodged the broken glass of the photo frame which was scattered on the floor. I had replaced the vase after Harry and I's incident but unfortunately it was going to go to waste again. When I charged back into the room, the man was on the ground cradling his finger as he groaned.

Just as I raised the vase above my head so that I could throw it at him, he looked up and let out a little scream. He scrambled away, legs and arms flailing, as I took threatening steps forward.

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