Chapter 28: Bakers and Rounds

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a/n: extra long chapter for you beautiful people because of the wait. and heads up, i'm don't like writing smut so this is my modified version of that, but don't worry about it too much because it'll all make sense in the end.

enjoy. x


Our eyes fluttered shut and I felt myself release a soft breath against his slightly parted lips. It started off as a close-mouthed kiss full of warmness and smiles. He kissed my lips repeatedly as I finally pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. He let out a satisfied grunt and let his large and calloused hands cup my bum.

His lips were everything I imagined. Soft, warm and inviting. They made me feel breathless and although they were soft, his actions were rough as his lips were passionate against mine and his hands were leading a fiery trail against my skin.

He parted my lips open with his tongue. I sucked on his tongue lightly, feeling him getting surprised under my touch. He was definitely pleased because he squeezed my bum tightly and lifted me easily as I buried my hands deep into his hair. My legs were wrapped around him in no time.

We were both breathless and I felt my face flush when we pulled back. He lightly threw me onto the bed in a way which was supposed to be sexy and how they did it in the movies. But it didn't work out when my body bounced once and then fell onto the hardwood floor with a large thump. I let out a surprised squeak. Harry and I went silent for a second as I grimaced whilst rubbing my head.

"Ha!" He laughed loudly as I pouted from my spot on his ground. I sat up with disheveled hair.

"Bítch," I rolled my eyes as he laughed and came over to me.

"Sorry, love. I didn't realize you were that light," he apologized while helping me up. He patted down my hair.

"I'm not light, that's the thing. You're just fúcking John Cena with that arm strength," I grumbled out with the traces of a smile while he adjusted my puffy hair.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," he spoke quickly while puckering his lips and leaning closer. He made repetitive kissy noises and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What a cute murderer you are," I coaxed in a teasing voice.

"Yeah, I'm a murderer because I'm going to be murdering your puss-"

"Shut it," I laughed, pressing my finger over his mouth. "Don't kíll the mood."

"But it was already kílled because I'm a kíller," he spoke as I snorted.

"I'm breaking up with you," I said with a straight face.

"You sure?" He asked in a low voice before his head dipped lower.

"Yeah- ahhh," I got cut off as Harry started sucking my neck slowly. My head moved to the side as I grabbed onto his shoulders. His mouth was hot and I felt myself give in, knees almost buckling at how experienced he was.

"Let's try again, yeah?" He whispered hoarsely trailing his kisses up my jaw now.

"Mhmm," I hummed.

This time he lifted me and gently set me on the bed as I lied back. We both laughed when I didn't bounce off this time. We smiled at each other. He poked my nose.

"Cute," he stated before kissing it.

I pulled him down onto myself as our lips joined again, both of us releasing soft breathes at the feeling of being so close. His fingertips were a bit rough but his actions were the opposite as he kissed me deeply, my own hands buried in his dirty blonde tuft of soft hair. His arm was holding him up as the other trailed across my skin. Harry's lips were so, so kissable and I couldn't help but take his plump bottom lip between my teeth. His grip on my waist tightened as he let out a grunt of approval.

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