Chapter 18: Old Lady and Mobs

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Dave placed his hand on the small of my back while we walked through the park, birds chirping in the background. The grass was green and sky was dimming, as the sunset was starting to set in. Children were running around with their families, and overall it was a nice and warm atmosphere.

I was wearing a beige pencil skirt with a strappy white tank-top tucked in, which was covered by a oversized denim jacket, the cuffs rolled up. My outfit wasn't the regular for a date but I tried to dress it up with heels. If Harry and I were still talking, I would've gotten advice on what to wear. He would probably had given me a pair of earrings, most likely hoops since he knew how much I liked them. Unfortunately, I forgot to wear them. Meanwhile, Dave was wearing black dress pants and a white dress shirt, the both of us looking like polar opposites walking beside each other.

I decided to go out with Dave because I needed a break from Harry and my feelings towards him.

It was strange since I didn't hear from him since last night, when he broke down his door. The date went perfectly and something was fishy since Harry wasn't around. But then again, we hadn't been talking anyways so I wasn't very surprised. I wanted to go into his apartment, since he's so secretive about it, but I couldn't do it. It was wrong to go snoop behind someone's back, let alone Harry's.

"I hope you enjoyed the food, babe," Dave spoke, as I felt his fingers tracing my back. I felt my stomach flutter.

"Oh, I did. It was amazing. Thanks for that," I grinned as did he. I took in his beautiful blue-green eyes while they flickered over my face.

"So, what do you do?" He asked me in a soft voice while the wind blew lightly when I broke eye contact.

"Well, right now I work at a restaurant as a waitress. I want to open up my own restaurant one day," I informed him as I looked at him. "What about you?"

"Well, I'm a business associate for-"

I zoned out of what Dave was talking about as there was an old woman in front of us, who dropped her bag. She mumbled to herself as she looked at me and smiled sheepishly. I quickly rushed over as Dave's hand dropped so I could pick it up for her. As I bent down, I felt her hand on my back.

"My goodness, aren't you just a sweetheart? Are you an angel because you look like you fell from heaven," she babbled in a high-pitched voice as I smiled and stood up, handing her the bag. "Thank you so much." She grinned with cute dimples on display.

"Oh, don't worry about it," I replied, my eyes finally landing on the woman.

I squinted my eyes at her, as she looked away from my uncomfortable gaze, her smile faltering. Her grey hairs were curly and a pair of glasses were perched up on her button nose, with red lipstick lining her perfectly heart-shaped lips. She looked oddly familiar.

"Are you alright?" Dave asked the woman, setting a hand on her shoulder as the woman automatically glared at him. She moved her shoulder away from his hand as his hand awkwardly dropped.

"I'm fine," she snapped as Dave opened his mouth, nothing coming out. "She's a very nice woman, you've got here." The woman added, looking at me with a proud smile.

"I know, one in a million," Dave charmed, leaning in to kiss my cheek while I internally swooned with a dazed smile visible.

Just then, the woman started coughing uncontrollably, hacking and wheezing while Dave looked over at her. Concern took over his features as he rubbed her back, "Are you okay, miss?"

"I'm fúcking dandy, son," she spoke in a deep and manly voice, in contrast to her sweet voice earlier. Her eyes went wide and it was like something in her snapped, as she smiled a large smile and cleared her throat. "I meant, I'm fine. You know, I've been sick lately and the sore throat doesn't help. I've been getting these weird voice cracks like I'm a prepubescent boy or something." She defended while laughing as Dave awkwardly laughed along. "It's like I'm you," she stated in a serious voice as Dave's laughing stopped completely.

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