Chapter 7 : Numb ...

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Harry's P.O.V :

Numb... Everything just feels numb ! I've been sitting in here for almost an hour now, drinking shots after shots , and gulping many other strong drinks feeling their burning bitter yet sweet taste in my mouth without taking any breaks between them.

Why am I here ? Why am I even going through this ? Everything just feels so wrong and different. I never thought that one day me the Harry styles will get rejected by a normal unknown girl . And for who ? A waiter ! 'who does she think she is ?! ' .

" You can tell me and maybe we'd figure out who she think she is ? " a voice sounded next to me.

I didn't notice that my fists were clenched on the bar next to my 5th maybe 6th glass of whiskey by now and that I had spoken outloud. I turned to my right to find a man in his sixties . Even tho he was an OAP he seemed cool and comfortable to be around but noisy and curious !

" Who are you ? " I stuttered but tried to sound harsh . I don't need anybody's sympathy nor opinion on what ever the hell is going on in my life currently , it's already a big mess that I'm lost in.

" Sorry young lad , don't want to peek my nose in your business but you seemed upset ." he stated with worry.

" You know you still didn't answer my question and you already peeked ! Thank you I Don't want you to feel sorry for me ." I retorted back . Now I know I'm being disrespectful but what if he was an undercover paparazzi or something ?!

"Oh man ! You're one of those teens ." he sighed shaking his head while rubbing his temple.

" Those teens ? Do you know who you're talking to ? " I'm getting frustrated .

" Yeah with the attitude and all ! " he looked at me closely "Uh should I know you ? "

I groaned before I gulped my glass and ordered another one . Go away ! Please !

" Take it easy young man ! And I'm Robert or rob whatever you like. "

" Well Robert... Or rob ! Leave me alone ." I took a sip from the burning liquid , then mumbled quietly " I'm already going through a lot... "

" You know you can tell me anything ... Uh ..." he trailed

" Harry. "

" Harry we can be buds tell me what's going on ? " he laid a hand on my shoulder as an encouragement gesture to get me to speak .

" Are you going to use me like everyone else or are you seriously being genuine ? " that earned a deep chuckle from him.

" That's quite funny Harold ... Why would I use you ? I mean look around I own this resort ! And now it's my turn to ask who are you? "

My eyes went wide " What? Come again ... You own this place ? " he nodded with a proud smile.

" And uhm I'm Harry styles from the boyband one direction. "

"Oh yeah yeah my grandchildren are massive fans ! Too bad they can't meet you. "

" Why is that ? "

" They're back home in Scotland. "

" oh I knew your accent wasn't foreign to me ! I just couldn't seem to remember ." I shrugged.

" Well Harold you're obviously worked up to remember anything. "

" Nah man ... I'm used to getting drunk, I can handle myself kinda so I'm cool. I just love feeling numb and loose from time to time. " And with that i gulped the whole glass and told the bartender to just give the bottle , but of course mister Robert over here ordered him not too earning scowls and groans from me which he just chuckled at , obviously amused by the show of this silly drunken lad infront of him.

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