Chapter 8: No rights!

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Cover on the side made by xwintercoffeex --->


Evo's P.O.V :

I woke up feeling something heavy and warm around me. I tried to remove it slowly without waking him up , but it just tightens even more. After five minutes of failing attempts, I gave up and just laid starring into space , waiting for Harry to release me. My phone buzzed next to me from the bed table , indicating that I received a massage. I tried to wiggle so I could reach my phone , and happily Harry withdrew his arm and turned to the other side so his back was turned to me. I smiled mentally congratulating myself . then grabbed my phone , unlocked it and opened he text to read .

From: Evan "double V " :

Good morning V :) I hope that i didn't disturb you. I just wanted to ask , maybe we could hang out today ? Xx.

I smiled at this simple text. Remembering last night, and how nice Evan or should I say double V was. Yes we are on nickname bases . Since my friends call me V and Evan's name is close to mine, we decided on calling him double V. It's kind of an inside joke between us. I learned a lot about him yesterday. He's 21 years old . His mother is french, and his dad is half british half Scottish. Evan was born in Paris where he lived with his parents for five years then they moved to Scotland to Edinburgh and settled there . But when he graduated from collage they moved to London so he can attend UNI there. Why he works as a waiter here? Well the owner of this resort is his fathers cousin , and double V needs to get away from London and all the pressures , so he works here as a part time waiter , and of course he's not treated like the others since he is related to the owner. He doesn't like the whole special treatments , that why he chose to be a waiter even tho he is kind of wealthy , and his dad owns a company . He loves to be an independent person , and work by his own. He also told me how he got in several fights with his parents for coming to work here in this country , whereas he can work in his fathers company or should I say his own future company , since he's an only child . Heck he doesn't even need to work at all ! But being the stubborn lad he is , his parents agreed on his decision under one condition which is to work here. Enough of that. Hanging out with Evan is really peaceful and can make you forget all your problems easily . I learned how to let loose , and come out of my shell from a time to another . It felt really good !

To: Evan "double V " :

Good morning to you too double V :D No not at all , I was already up :) and yup sure , but at what time ?

I texted quickly but never putting the phone aside as I waited for his reply I was really excited. I got up quietly and sat on my side of the bed , I shivered a bit when my feet touched the fluffy carpet , from the tickling sensation.

From: Evan "double V " :

I'm glad :D how about in an hour ? We can go down to the beach or the pool which ever you like, then hang out or something ?

To: Evan "double V " :

Sounds like a plan . Sure :) see ya !

From: Evan "double V " :

Great ! Meet you in the lobby ! See ya V :) Xx.

I got up and stretched my arms , then wen to the closet to pick up my outfit . After a couple of minutes I ended up picking greenish-blue and black bikini with a wedge that had the exact same colors and a dress that reached mid-thigh . I turned around to check on Harry , and fortunately he was still asleep . Well ofcourse he's gonna be. He was really out of last night , and also really close to my comfort, but I couldn't do anything as I was extremely knackered .

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