chapter 1

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Finally today, after we were done with our class XII th board examinations and since our exams had gone well we thought to celebrate.
‘but only at my place’ vaneet came shouting.
‘yeah, fine but where are rashi and vini? We need to ask them too.’
‘oh the idiotic couple, they are sitting right there infront of the window of the director’s chamber.
‘true idiots, but still they are our friends they have helped us all through the session. Isn’t that true?’ I exclaimed
Now go and ask them that are they okay with the plan?
‘ya , sure after all I am the one whose part time job is to interrupt in all matters’ he said.
‘hmm, and no one can deny it. It’s a fact’ I said laughing.
‘Hey guys, tomorrow at my place’ vaneet said.
‘ya , sure silencer. We’ll party hard. By the way why do change our quality time into quantity time?’ vini said gazing him.
‘don’t dare to call me that’ vaneet said.

‘ stop fighting guys, it’s our last day here in the school’ I said.
‘ get down from my window you people , the bell has already rung move to your classes. This is your last day in the school not the last day on the earth. That you can do whatever you want to do’ the director exclaimed with anger.
Then we went to our class where we asked to share our experiences. As usual Abhimanyu was the only one interested. With all the enthusiasm and confidence he had stood in front of the class and shared his experiences which sounded more like grievances.
And ya, I forgot to mention  that he is the fifth member of our group. The one and only Abhimanyu Rathore topper of the class. Our group was famous in the whole school almost every child knew about us. As we were five completely different personalities together in one group.

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