chapter 7:story behind

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In order to distract her, I asked her to tell us the story behind the mansion being haunted.
' one look at it and you'll be struck by it's magnificent architecture. But the atmosphere of mystery lies beyond its walls and cannot go unnoticed. The fort is known for having witnessed a high level of supernatural activity. And behind the shaniwaar wada's paranormal activities are story of assassination, greed for power , betrayal. After baajirao 1's death his son nanasaheb held the Maratha banner. Madhav rao, vishwas rao, Narayan rao were his three sons. After the death of peshwa nanasaheb in the third battle of panipat, Madhav rao succeded as peshwa. During the war of third panipat vishwas rao accepted death. After the death of vishwas rao madhav rao also died in broken heart for his brother.Narayan rao had just been 16 years old then. He became peshwa on that very young age. Due to his age his uncle Raghunathrao was in charge of the state on behalf of his young nephew.
Raghunathrao's wife Anandi bai became very jealous. All her life she wanted to became the wife of peshwa. With time situation became worse than ever.
Narayan rao was trying to nullify all conspiracies against him. He started to restrict the influence of raghunathrao and house arrested him. Narayan rao had a bitter relationship with Gardi; the hunting tribe. Raghunath rao's wife Anandibai sent a signed letter from raghunat rao to the chief of gardi.but in the original letter written to chief sumer singh by rao was to capture Narrayan but cruel Anandi changed just one word and it became the message to kill narayanrao. Sumer singh sent a group of assassins who entered in the room of Narayanrao who was asleep by removing all securities. Narayan rao woke and understood he was going to be killed. He ran towards raghunathrao's chamber and shouted 'kaka mala vachwa' [ uncle
save me]. But he was caught by assassins
and brutally assassinated by them. Hacked into pieces and dumped in the well. The ghost of young peshwa still runs there with his painful agony. Every moon night he cries for saving him.'

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