chapter 11

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He was just infront of me I took a step back another step another one and fell in the deep well. It seemed I had stepped into another world. It was all dark.  Vini was nowhere. How is it possible? Where can he go? There’s no way. I had to find him. I phoned him. I heard the ringtone but couldn’t figure out where it came from. Suddenly I saw a ray of light coming from outside. I was too scared to look up but I had to as I could not spend my whole life there in the darkness staring at the wall. I couldn’t even visualize what I saw next. It was pathetic. I was betrayed. All four of them rashi , vini , vaneet , abhi  were standing near the edge of the well gazing at me. They seemed sorry but I didn’t posses the courage to forgive them. Why? Why the hell did you do this? I helped you to fight with the problem. You very well knew I could run and save my life leaving all of you here in the trouble as they couldn’t harm me. Right?
We are really sorry but we had no option we were compelled we had to do this to save our lives. Abhi said. o really and what about me, my life. I could even do that but in order to save you all I had put my life at risk. And you did this to me. You all are gonna rot in hell. We had no grudges against you we could have cooperated with you as you weren’t the problem gitanjali the problem was you being ‘RAO’. You could have stopped us from coming to pune but you hardly did for your benefit. So in this case betrayal was survival. Each and every moment was planned purposely. The old lady,vaneet going missing, abhi being possessed, I being dead everything had a purpose. Rashi said. I was speechless I didn’t know how to react what to say I just kept quiet. You just couldn’t have done this to us for your selfish motive. You wanted to be free from all this that is why you were using us. Right? Vini said. but how do you know all this? I never told you that I was gitanjali rao . I burnt all my information records. Nor any thing could determine my past.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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