chapter 9

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wow what a story, don’t dare to fool us we are going in’ vaneet said with anger.
Although I didn’t want but I had to enter the mansion. For which I am guilty.
‘ so beautiful’ rashi said.
At first we went to the roof , they were enjoying the view but I was concerned only about where the lady and those two men had disappeared. ‘there’s still time, we should leave I think something Is wrong here’. ‘ oh come on gitanjali do you believe that lady’ vaneet said.
After roaming in the whole mansion we went to the library the only place left to visit. Suddenly I saw a book which fell from the shelf. I picked it up and was shocked to see the same letter about which the caretaker had told about. ‘I told you guys, that women was correct see have a look at this letter this is the same letter the letter written to sumer singh by rao.’
‘o god, we should evacuate this place as soon as possible’ Abhi said.
Yes , you are right vini and rashi spoke.
We threw the letter and ran towards the entrance and we were shocked to see that there was no entrance. So we decided to get divided into groups I and vaneet ; rashi,vini and Abhi . we checked each and every corner but we counldn’t find any exit. We all gathered in the hall and held each others hand tightly. Suddenly I saw Abhi staring at the ceiling. So I thought to ask him what was he upto. But he didn’t answer. I felt a bit weird so i  raised my head and the scene which I saw was appalling. It was none other than narayan rao tied to the lamp. I knew how he looked as when I had entered I saw a portrait of him. Simultaneously my eyes fell on the portrait and my jaw dropped to the floor it was all blank. My friends started stammering. ‘what should we do gitanjali’ Abhi asked. ‘run’.
Vaneet stopped us and said ‘don’t you dare’ I was completely puzzled until I saw his eyes they were pitch black.

SHANIWAAR WADAWhere stories live. Discover now