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     "STUPID HAIR." Gideon complained to herself in a whisper, looking at herself in the large round mirror standing in front of her. Her bun was messy, but Gideon managed to make it look presentable for work. It had been a week and a half since Gideon had moved to Central City and visited Barry at the hospital. Barry was soon after transferred to STAR Labs, a laboratory with highly intelligent people who were currently watching over Barry, including her close friend Caitlin Snow.

     Gideon had since then become friends with the only three people who were left working at STAR Labs, whom were Dr Harrison Wells, Cisco Ramon, and of course, her dear friend Caitlin, due to the fact that she visited Barry very often at the lab.

     "Hi, welcome to Jitters, what may I get for you?" Gideon greeted enthusiastically as she forced a fake smile upon every single customer that stumbled into Jitters for their daily cup of coffee or tea. It wasn't exactly the job she was looking for, but it would have to do for now until she found something better.
Her day had been pretty much the same as any other day, just the same old schedule over and over. Wake up, get to work, work for eight hours, eat lunch at STAR Labs and visit Barry, go home, sleep, repeat.

     Gideon was tired of the same old usual, but there was nothing else for her to do, and she'd just have to adjust to the change. After her shift, she prepared some coffees and stopped by Big Belly Burger to get food before heading to STAR Labs. The awkward silence that was usually in the elevator on her way up to the cortex was suddenly gone as she got lost in her thoughts. The quiet ding of the elevator reaching the top brought her back to reality and she walked into the cortex, immediately being greeted by the team.

     "Aw man, you forgot to add whipped cream to mine!" Cisco complained as he held his coffee cup in one hand and the lid in the other. Gideon turned back to see Cisco frowning down at his coffee. Gideon grinned.

     "My bad, I'll remember next time!" Gideon promised. Cisco gave her a thumbs up as he placed the lid back onto the cup and downed his coffee while taking his food out from the large BBB bag.

     "How is work treating you, Miss Reinhart?" Dr Harrison Wells asked as he sped to her side in his wheelchair with a coffee in one hand and a burger in the other, his familiar scent of lavender-scented soap filling her nostrils. As strange as it sounded, Gideon loved the way the scientist smelled; just like an old person.

     "It's alright, I guess. It will have to do until I find something better to do." Gideon shrugged, taking her food and sitting by Barry's bed, which sat still in the front and center of the cortex. Caitlin reached over for her coffee, clearing her throat after.

     "Maybe you should look for another job. I mean, you could get a pretty good job somewhere else with your range of skills." Caitlin suggested. Cisco nodded in agreement.

     "Yeah, you could work at like, a tech store or something." Cisco shrugged, speaking through a mouthful of burger before sipping some of his coffee.

     "Maybe you could even work at the CCPD with me." A deep voice said that made all four of them turn towards the entrance of the cortex. Detective Joe West, Barry's adoptive father and Iris's biological father, stood tall with a smile on his face as he greeted the team and then Gideon, "How are you, Gideon?"

     "I'm alright, thank you. What about you, how's work for you?" Gideon asked. Joe stood by her side, staring down at Barry with sadness glistening in his eyes. Gideon couldn't blame him, Barry was a wonderful person and if Gideon missed him, considering she barely knew him, she could only imagine how much Joe missed his son.

     "Well, there's lots to do now that Barry is gone. We managed to find a new CSI for the moment, but it's not the same." Joe admitted sadly. Gideon nodded, giving Joe a reassuring smile.

     "Maybe not the same, but you have someone to help for the moment while Barry heals." Gideon pointed out, trying to see the glass half full.

     "Were you serious about Gideon working with you at the CCPD, or was that just like, a joke?" Cisco asked. Joe looked over at Cisco, his eyebrows raised.

     "Well, if you have any skills that might help, I'll put in a word for you." Joe said, his hand slipping up to Gideon's shoulder.

     "Really? Thank you, Joe, you really don't have to, you know." Gideon thanked. Joe nodded, smiling.

     "You've done so much for us, and for Barry, in such a short amount of time. It's the least I can do." Joe explained, nodding his head gratefully. Gideon smiled from ear-to-ear, her cheeks aching from the large smile that she couldn't help but have.

     "Thank you, Joe." Gideon repeated.

     "Anytime." Joe said with a smile. He removed his hand from Gideon's shoulder and paced towards the entrance of the cortex. "I better get going, just thought I'd stop by and see how Barry's doing."

     "See ya later, Joe." Gideon said as Joe waved back and walked out of the cortex. One by one, as the day drawled on, the rest of the team went home, until Caitlin and Gideon were the only ones left.

     "We should start heading home, it's getting late." Caitlin suggested. Gideon nodded and smiled, saying her goodbyes to Barry even though she wasn't sure if he could hear her or not, and hooking an arm through Caitlin's as they exited the gargantuan building.

     "I never thanked you, Caitlin." Gideon began in slight embarrassment at the fact that she hadn't thanked Caitlin. Caitlin smiled, walking slowly as they approached Caitlin's car.

     "Thanked me? For what?" Caitlin asked with a tilted head, her loosely curled hair falling around her shoulders. Gideon slipped her arm out of Caitlin's, helping her get her things into her car.

     "For helping me get through all of this, especially ever since Dillon. Most people treat me like I'm made of porcelain and I'm gonna break with a single word they say about him, but you don't. Thank you." Caitlin smiled, her arms wrapped around Gideon's slightly larger frame and her chin rested on her shoulder.

     "It's nothing, Gideon. I'm always here for you, whenever you need me. I know what it's like to lose someone you love." Caitlin mumbled sadly and released Gideon, holding her hands for a moment. "And I know what it's like to be treated like you're made of glass. I lost my other half, too." Caitlin reminded. Caitlin had lost her fiancé to the explosion caused by the particle accelerator in the laboratory a few weeks prior, the same day Barry was strangely struck by lightning in his office.

     "I'm here for you, as well. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, I'm here." Gideon said. Caitlin smiled, tilting her head.

"Thank you, Gideon. I appreciate that." Gideon nodded, smiling warmly.

       "That's what friends are for."

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