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"WE CAN'T JUST LET THEM TAKE DILLON, we have to do something, Oliver!" Gideon struggled to free herself from Diggle's tight grip around her small body after she had attempted to run after the police's cruiser.

"We will, but not like this! We have to find another way, and we will, but first, I need you to calm down, Gideon." Oliver demanded. She huffed and took a deep breath, but Oliver remained calm as he stretched his hand out to her. Diggle slowly released his grip on Gideon and she slipped her hand into Oliver's. Oliver then placed a finger over his lips, hushing them quietly as he pulled Gideon along with him, Diggle following close behind them.

When the trio reached the highway, they searched for the cruiser that had Dillon inside and once he caught sight of it, he motioned for the other two to watch it carefully. Being the stubborn and impatient person Gideon was, she didn't wait for Oliver's permission and jumped straight into action, firing arrows at the tires once the car went into a lone tunnel. Oliver and Diggle quietly scolded her but she ignored them, running into the tunnel and taking in the sight of the car frozen still in the middle of the tunnel.


"GIDEON, I NEED YOU to run this guy in the databases. Name's Gary Arnold, he robbed a bank a few hours ago and no one's seen him since." Joe voiced as he tossed a file on the wooden desk Gideon currently sat in.

"I'll get right on it, boss. I'll let you know if anything comes up." Gideon said, playfully saluting to him. Joe grinned and nodded, stopping in his tracks as he was about to leave and walking back towards her desk.

"Have you visited Barry, lately?" Joe questioned, pointing a finger at her. Gideon smiled, nodding and looking down at the edge of the desk, where Joe had accidentally knocked over a name tag that sat there.

" Gideon Reinhart, IT Tech "

"I have, sadly he hasn't changed much," Gideon said with a disappointed sigh, looking over at the file on the desk and pulling it towards her before looking back at Joe. "It's insane, in two days it will be nine months with Barry in a coma." Joe sighed, nodding and putting the name tag back in place before giving Gideon a sad yet hopeful smile.

"Hopefully, he'll wake up soon." Without another word and a quiet goodbye, Joe turned on his heels and left.

       Eight months before, when Joe had offered to help Gideon get a new job, Gideon quit her dreadful job at Jitters and took up Joe's offer. Gideon managed to get a spot for IT tech, thanks to the help of computer geniuses Felicity Smoak and Cisco Ramon.

"Hey Joe, we got something on Arnold." Gideon called out later and continued to click through the databases, watching as Joe walked towards her desk followed by officer Eddie Thawne and behind him, Iris West.

"What is it?" Joe questioned, prepared to call units if necessary, greeting his daughter Iris quietly as Gideon pulled up the data.

"Last place seen was at Lawrence Hills, ten minutes ago. His ex-wife and kids live there, house number 185." Gideon informed quickly as her eyes scanned over the rows of information in front of her. Joe nodded and, as expected, called backup as he rushed out of the department, not bothering to turn back when officer Eddie Thawne accidentally bumped into the detective's daughter.

"I'm very sorry Miss West, I wasn't aware you had arrived. You look lovely today." Eddie complimented. Iris blushed as Eddie stumbled over his words nervously and Gideon watched their awkward interaction with a smirk. Their hidden romance was then very obvious to Gideon as she connected the dots of previous events and the current one.

"Thank you, Officer Thawne. I would prefer if you caught up with my dad. He doesn't like to be kept waiting." Eddie's eyes widened and he nodded at Iris and he ran off, leaving her to roll her eyes and approach Gideon.

"You and officer pretty-boy, huh?" Gideon was quick to tease. Iris blushed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, please," Iris chuckled, quickly changing the topic. "I was thinking we could get some lunch and stop by to see Barry, if you're not too busy." Gideon could never say no to food and visiting Barry, a nod and a smile crept onto her face.

"Definitely, just let me finish up here and I'll meet you outside." Gideon voiced. Iris agreed to wait outside while Gideon organized her work space and packed up to leave.

"Leaving early, Miss Reinhart?" A deep and familiar voice questioned. Gideon turned to Captain Singh with a smile.

"It's only ten minutes. That's okay, right?" Gideon smiled, tilting her head. Singh rolled his eyes, nodding.

"Fine, but don't get used to it."

       "Wouldn't dream of it, boss."

DUE TO AN EMERGENCY at Iris's work, she had to leave early, leaving Gideon to visit Barry alone. Gideon walked into the STAR Labs cortex.

"Hey, white hat!" Cisco loudly greeted, his face lighting up as he greeted his friend while Caitlin turned to face them in confusion.

"White hat?" Caitlin asked with a cocked brow. Gideon shrugged, smiling before hugging them both and approaching Barry's bed.

"Uh, yeah. It's like an informal way of calling someone a hacker." Cisco stated, clearing up the confusion. Caitlin turned to face Gideon with raised brows.

"There's a formal way of calling someone a hacker?" Caitlin wondered with a grin.

"Hey, I'm an IT tech, not a hacker." Gideon scolded playfully. Cisco shrugged, rolling his eyes sassily.

"Whatever, I'm still calling you white hat." Cisco sassed as he popped a chocolate into his mouth, shrugging yet again before making his way towards Barry.

"I never really asked you but how do you know Barry?" Caitlin suddenly asked. Gideon turned to face her before looking back at Barry, standing at his bedside.

"He went to Starling City once for a break-in at a friend's company." Gideon explained briefly, not wanting to expose the vigilante business going on in Starling City. Caitlin nodded.

"It's amazing how after nine months you still visit him as often as you can." Caitlin said. Gideon nodded, looking down at Barry and holding his hand. She immediately released him as sparks went off between their fingers. It had been happening for months now, sometimes it happened, sometimes it didn't, but when it did, it was always the same; millions of sparks between their hands.

"I just— I can't leave him alone in here, you know? He helped me when I needed someone, I care about him." Gideon said and decided to ignore the sparks, holding his hand carefully. "I know he isn't completely alone, you guys are here too, but it's different. He's my friend."

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