Chappy 2

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((A/N)) I don't know how I got so many people to read my first sucky chapter in one day... Thank you guys soooo much!! I promise the future chapters will be longer and much much better!! ~


I arrived at the decrepit-looking place after plugging the address into my phone. Surprisingly, it was walking distance! I didn't even have to take a bus!

I knocked on the front door to receive no answer even after waiting for about five minutes. Turning the knob, I pushed the door open. Why would a place like this just be open? It seemed weird and eerie. Maybe Joey left the door open!

I walked inside and shut the door behind me. There were posters littered on the walls of the famous cartoon starring a cheeky little devil and his friend wolf. I always thought they were two adorable cinnamon rolls! I absolutely loved my little devil-

"Oh my god it's Bendy!" I ran up to the poster labeled 'Little Devil Darlin' and couldn't hide the growing smile.

I wandered around the dimly lit place, getting lost in all the hallways. I came to a room with exactly six pedestals.

This was the control room for the ink machine!

There were specific labels above each pedestal, and I guess it would only be appropriate if each item would be there- but they weren't. I started back for the hallway, ready to find all six items.


I peeked at the intruder as she studied the lever in the control room. I made sure she didn't see me, but I watched her carefully as she studied each pedestal and what belonged on each.

I was expecting the other guy to come, not some girl.

She spun on her heel and made her way closer to me. Couldn't hurt to scare her a bit, right? She shouldn't be in here. Henry was supposed to be here.

I manipulated a cardboard cutout of myself and placed it outside the hall. She would definitely leave after seeing this.

I glanced behind me to see him, my best friend. Put on display in this small workshop. I felt something inside of me crack. I looked away and crept back into the darkness before the poor girl would see me.

I made my way into the Flow room and sat in one of the poorly placed seats. There was nothing showing, but I remember a time when there was. Images of Boris and I dancing, flying, doing the random things cartoons do on the big screen.

It was good times then.

It's nice to be a cartoon.

Until everything, all your hopes and dreams, is crushed. But none of that is new. Everyone goes through a moment of brokenness. But my- our creator put us through this.

He will pay.

I felt myself gripping the sides of the chair tightly.

He will suffer.

I felt ink drip down my face, covering my vision.

He will die.

Simply because I can't! How can Boris die, but I live forever? The logic doesn't add up. But I guess that's how he made us. He made us this way. But there must be a way to revive Boris. My dear friend- the one I spent my entire lifetime with.

Now I must suffer this eternal damnation. To live in this place- the place where my best friend was murdered.


Maybe having this girl here isn't bad after all~

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