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      Today is one of those days where Jazz went into combat; against a Decepticon. Unimaginable. But it was happening. The Allspark had been 'found'. And this city was now the battle place where the decision to Humanity's fate and the Allspark may be decided. Jazz thought for sure he wouldn't live through this day. He was wrong. That day he would also meet a new  friend; Amber Brookes. 

     The woman who would later  share music with him.

    "DIE Autobot!" The Decepticon yells after  Jazz.

     Truthfully, if you shrunk down Jazz to the size of a toy, you would get the appearance of a toy. Jazz really does look like a gigantic, robot toy that is able to transform. It is highly ridiculous. Any person may stare at him as if he were this fearful machine that is bigger than size. His wheels clicked  and parts whirr making their cybertronian-clashing sounds in combat.

    Jazz skid  on the road taking out a big light.

  "You first," Jazz said, striking his opponent right at the chest area. His grip tightened on this weapon then he took it out as his opponent fell on it's knees. He backs away from the Decepticon prepared for a back stab of the sorts.

   The Decepticon, Starscream, stood upwards.

    "You...are..the..worst aimer." Starscream criticized him. "Than any Autobot I have ever faced."

  Starscream shot at Jazz.

  A dark gray (newly released 2007) van just drove on by causing Starscream's aiming to be thrown off wack. How can humans be driving in the middle of a disaster? Well, there comes a time where we need to go straight into the vehicle and forget what is actually happening outside, put our minds into the mind sets of young impressionable women. And some who are apparently not fazed by not danger any more by the movies.

      "Woah!" The driver, Selena Hillary,screeches.  "I JUST SAW A RD2 shoot at a triceratops!"

 "NO THAT'S A BLOODY DALEK!" Her friend, Mary Watty, shouts.  "RTD2 is from Star Wars. Dalek is from Doctor Who!"

  "I love how Jurassic park has become Robot Park." The woman in the back seat, Amber Brookes, bluntly said. She's two months pregnant. Amber pokes at the window in awe to the great CGI (Or so she thought) "Maan. They look sooo real. Girls, stop comparing real life situations to shows that do not exist!"

 Mary and Selena share a sharp glare to Amber

  "He's been saving London in the past--" Mary explains, but then is cut off by Selena.

   "And there's going to be a Klingon on the Deathstar someday!" Selena adds, ever so brightly.

  Amber taps her chin.

   "I'm pretty sure  Klingons do not exist in Star Wars." Amber's hand  is taken off her chin. "Death Star does not exist in Star Trek."

   Suddenly one half of the van is ripped from the other half. Amber freezes in her place grabbing on her seatbelt for safety.  Her friends Mary and Selena scream at Starscream. The seeker  shoots the two humans at the head. Their screams went silent. It came down on Amber that her friends are dead.

     They won't ever come back, not for her childs first birthday.

     Starscream drops the front half slightly turning himself slightly towards Jazz. Amber's heart is racing.

  "Humans are much easier to kill than Autobots." Starscrema said,taunting the mech.

   Jazz picks up the street light that has some grenant still attached.

  "You are mistaken." Jazz hits Starscream's helmet which made his opponent take a few feet back. Jazz takes his footing between the edge of the sidewalk and the road. "I'm different from most Autobots."

   Autobots? Amber unbuckles her seat belt, trembling with fear and hysteria.

  "Oh, we'll see!" Starscream takes out a larger gun.


 "AHH!" Amber screams, as she runs from the split-in-half van where her side got exploded. She runs to the corner of the street as wreckage flew from the burning half. Everything going on today in the year 2007 is unbelievable.Not only did Amber believe robots would be made in the future (Not in her lifetime, that is). But she also use to believe there would be a war over that.

    Selena always claimed that robot humanoids about six feet tall would land here. Her deceased friend is partially right and somewhat wrong. Because there is indeed robots on this planet.Amber looks up seeing a big, large cube hovering in the air surrounded by a thick electrical cloud.Could my eyes be deceiving me?  Amber's tears may have been involved in her blurry vision. She just lost two of her greatest friends.

    Then this cube was shot  into pieces.

    Amber gasps, letting one one small sliver shard of the cube fly into her mouth.

  "Ah scrap!" Starscream cursed, as he too had seen  the energy signature to the shard disappear into her.  He shoots at Amber but the other solders  from the different side of the city have started shooting at him. "We can't  have a walking, living organic capable of 'healing' sticking around. The Fallen will not be pleased."

   Jazz strikes Starscream's back using the street light leaving a odd crack on the red light.

  Starscream shoots Jazz at the chest area, then he transforms into his flight mode. He had seen the fight going on between Megatron and Optimus. He knew that this may not end well at all. Besides, as any Decepticon would rather have some key members of their faction be online. Not be offline. The seeker flies away as the humans shoot at him dropping behind square pieces of jet armor.

   Amber runs from the chaos going on and goes to safety; while something that had been bugging her earlier this morning just became a 'forgotten morning illment' as her baby feels better. Jazz knew what she looks like. But he just didn't know her name quite yet. He would later tell Prime and Ratchet about this. Amber would most likely recall this as 'D-Day' or 'Impossible Day'. Everyone has names for this. But no-one would take it for heart except a dead Megatron.

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