I am your 'Protector'

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     Jazz looks up from the battlefield, right up towards Ratchet and Optimus Prime.  The city below could be fine but it's in repair by some construction workers. Clean up crews are getting rid of the Decepticon corpses. This discussion had been decided to be secure and private. Where Decepticons are not likely to be at since Megatron's death. Nor would Starscream be here as he fears for his own spark.

      "You saw a sliver of the allspark..." Optimus Prime repeats. "Go into a humans mouth?"

      "Yes." Jazz nods.

     Ratchet rubs his chin plate.

      "And she swallowed it?" The medic asks, quite unfamiliar to humans swallowing a allspark shard.

    Jazz rubs the back of his neck.

      "She did." Jazz told them, he paces back and forth. Almost in the manner a shy or nervous human would be. "The woman ran away before I could do a thing." He takes a stop. "And I did keep an image off her face."

      Optimus Prime and Ratchet share a nod.

   "Project it, Jazz."

   \ ____________________ _______________________________

     ...At least 1 week later..

   Amber's husband, David Brookes, finall convince her to buy a  new car without him. Maybe taking the van last week was my worst idea. Her husband has been the one driving her from place to place for the past week.Grieving process is a long thing for her. But Amber has to start it doing this so she can move on without being need to be driven by some-one else.


   "Excuse me?" The car salesman waves his hand in her way. "Are you there?"

  Amber shook her head, biting her lip.

 "Sorry..." Amber softly told him. "Just been thinking about my friends...They died on D-Day."

   The salesman brightens his mood.

"Perhaps they will be glad you bought a new car," The Salesman opens the door for her. "Your old one was a sports van. Correct?"  

    Amber daps at her eyes with cleanex.

   "Yes." She walks out the doors, swinging her dark-green shoulder bag. "An untimely death..It was really..un-un-unexpected."

   The salesman smiles.

   "Don't pity for the one's dead, pity the people who are still alive." The Salesman guides her to the section of trucks and cars  with various models.

     Amber is overwhelmed on which one to choose.

  "I can't decide!" Amber claims, putting  the bangs out of her eyes view.The countless rows of vehicles look so good and unique, but she has no idea which one to choose. What would Selena choose? She would choose a black and gray truck. Mary? She would choose a bright Chevrolet. Regardless of a salesman being with her. 

     How can a grieving friend choose in front of good looking cars?

      "Well...what about this Toyota?"The Salesman leans both hands on a red Toyota. He pats on the roof. "It's got good mileage."

       A tear develops on Amber's left eye then comes rolling down her cheek.

     Just as she were about to accept, the most bazaar happened in the parking lot.

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