Hide...How do you know about pregnancy?

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   Two days pass since the incident between Jazz and Memoren-13. The Chevrolet Kodiak (A shiny black conversion) finally arrived to California. Turns out Ironhide couldn't understand a single word Amber said in her fluent Italian accent. I have no idea how Jazz can understand a word Amber says, Ironhide thought.

   The Italian woman (Amber) went back  into the hotel via the back door.

  "What did the human say?" Ironhide is completely  lost.

    Jazz  has a small laugh at him.

 "The Ground Rules." Jazz explains to  Ironhide. "Amber just went in to get you an copy of the ground rules...I kind of got mine ripped into shreds by cats."

    A stray German Shepard barks at the two, tall Autobots.

 "Don't urinate on me,"  Ironhide threatens the stray German Shepard as he aims his cannon at the small and shaggy canine. "or else you won't be barking much longer."

   The Stray German Shepard urinates on him.

  "I should kill you--" 

    Jazz brings Ironhide behind a tree as two humans came from the parking lot  arguing over the stray dog. One wanted to take in the poor, ratty dog. The other wanted to take him to the nearest euthanize shelter  and be done with it. The two's argument becomes so violent they start punching each other. Keep in mind these are full grown and strong, intelligent twenty-five and twenty-eight year old men. The Autobots play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to knock some sense into  these men.

  "I got paper." Ironhide said, rather glad to have gotten it.

  Ironhide takes a step away from the tree to let and behold the humans see a 22 feet 5 inches tall robot weighting 3.8 tons. He has a scar surrounding his right optic. The two men are shaking beyond belief. The Stray German shepard wags his tail while chewing on the bone.

 "Don't go crazy on the humans." Jazz warns the Kodiak. "Just remember: we are not showoffs."

  Ironhide fakes a loud, big cough.

"What...the hell?" The two men stop bickering and gape at the giant.

Ironhide folds his arms.

"You should not bicker over a simple stray." Ironhide told them. "And if you do bicker over strays then it will be the death of you. I've seen your kind bicker over far more stupid things. I am a Autobot, a cybertronian warrior  built for war."

  The men are unable to speak.

 "...D..dd-d..d.ddo you..." The first man is stuttering really badly. "...Name."

  Ironhide's mean streak just came on.

 "I am Ironhide and you should be scared of bickering over strays!" The Autobot stomps his foot on the floor sending a slightly rumble in the ground. The men  shriek at Ironhide's comment then they both flee from him. Ironhide is actually enjoying tormenting humans. He laughs, just as they had left.

  Ironhide goes back into the wooden forest area

  "Shoot any questions you have." Ironhide said, making the gun sign on Jazz.

Jazz rubs the back of his neck.

    "...Hide, how do you know about pregnancy?"

    Ironhide throws a bone at a German Shepard.

    "It all came from this...dream or whatever humans call it;" Ironhide explains to him. "About this girl who was shot by Starscream and then attacked me, and...she was pregnant."

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