But I wish you get them! (This chapter focuses on David)

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Ironhide had been given the opportunity to be filled in what David is doing. Though it made him concerned this human was going to try fool the Decepticons with someone who resembles Amber. David claimed up and down it was an old friend of his who wanted to go down with a bang, just wanting to die by some 'awesome, epic. menacing means'.

     "Your kind will easily blame us for your deaths when everyone finds out about us." Ironhide tells the man, as they drove to the air port.

    It had been some days since Ironhide had came to California.

       "No." David defiantly said, his eyes strongly suggested he opposed the idea of pinning the blame of his death on the Autobots. As a man he had been in war. This one thing that brought his wife into meeting Jazz  had given him the gut feeling there will be sacrifices. 

      Even though David's plan was clever and good;  It didn't leave room for him to survive.

       David leans back in his seat.

    .  "They will not." David repeats.

   Ironhide passes by a tool shop.

        "Turn around!"

    Ironhide swerves in the road making some cars collide and twirl until they made a square.

  "What now?" Ironhide asks, not at all pleased with swerving in the road and making cars go crazy. He is parked on the side of the road.

   David looks over his shoulder and saw there's cars that have hit each other, yet, they are otherwise fine except for the damaged engine hoods. He sighs, relieved Ironhide had really driven crazy for him. Maybe leaving my wife with the Autobots is not a bad idea, David reassures himself.

  "We missed the Tool shop."  David said, taking out his wallet.

   "Why the the tool shop?" Ironhide asks. He did not understand why a tool shop of all places warranted David's attention.

   "Because it's not starbucks; now drive back..." David gives directions to Ironhide in driving to the Tool shop

  Since when did Stars become Bucks? Ironhide thought driving into the tool shops parking lot.

   "You never know." David said, looking out the window. Amber is off getting icecream. He figures his wife will probably be able to make it in life without him there. Doing what a husband would willingly do for his unborn child. It meant a lot to David for his wife and child to be safe.

       There's a good space between a Honda and a Ford. How can humans park their vehicles and not get a dent from a tight space? Ironhide parks in between the two vehicles but he did make sure they were further away from him. He's parked to the side of the Tool store.

     "Hide, don't come charging in to the store--" David got out in the limited space.

    "Call me Ironhide." Ironhide  told the human, in a way that meant he did not trust him.

    David looks in both directions just to make sure nobody is watching

     "Don't your friends call you Hide?" David asks,

     Ironhide grumbles.

     "I met you two days ago, you can't make a friendship THAT fast, you can make a protection-guardian relationship in two days," Ironhide went on. "But not a friendship. I was built for war. Two days within meeting some cybertronian was just a 'hi' and 'bye'."

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