Ashes to Ashes

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Y/N held his head, his father screamed at him for not killing Velvet.

Why didn't you kill her!

Velvet is my friend, I don't kill friends. She doesn't deserve to die, she gets to live!

Velvet watched you get bullied for years, she did nothing but watch you get hurt.

She was bullied too, we shared the same pain. She had Coco to keep her safe.

Y/N paused in front of a town, he remembered this place.  This is the place where he and Ruby were born.

He noticed something, a couple...Their love, their happiness, it a makes him mad.

They mock you with their happiness, they deserve to die

No...You can't make me kill anymore!

Do they remind you of Ruby and that boy, how they are much happier than you and Ruby!

No..No no no....YES....

His semblance activated, and with inhuman speed.

He began to massacre the entire town, tears streamed down his eyes as he tore apart the inhabitance. He also began to burn it to the ground, smoke clouded the sky as Y/N slaughtered innocent people without any remorse.

How dare you mock me

You will feel my wrath, you will feel my sword!

He then heard a man running away, he held an injured girl.

"Come here! 😀".

He tackled the man and raised his sword. The man was bleeding from his head, he was weak and injured from the entire massacre.

His eyes widened, for he tackled the man that actually considered him a son.


"Y/N !".

Y/N immediately backed away, he couldn't bring himself to hurt Ruby's father.

He fled out of the town, he only grew closer to Vale, and closer to Beacon...

Not far away, Team RWBY, and JNPR discover the remains of Adam and the mutilated White fang.

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