Chapter 4: Guy

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Sherlock had gone for his chips anyway. He didn't usually eat on a case but somehow he felt lighter now that he knew Molly was happy at last. He'd grimaced however when the shop owner questioned him on his appearance alone- the owner was very fond of Marie and wanted to know where she was. Sherlock had just replied lightly that she was out of town at the moment, but that she should be back soon.

"Well, don't let her stay gone too long. She's a keeper, that one! Next time be sure to bring her with you and I'll be sure to include extra for her, too." The owner had replied.

Sherlock stood in 221B now, eating his chips thoughtfully. He missed Marie, more than he cared to really admit, and it seemed like everything was set on reminding him of her. Even his mind was against him, the brunette running around his mind palace in an annoyingly endearing way, although it was extremely distracting.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard Mary Morstan's voice at the front door, saying urgently: "Oh, Mrs Hudson. Sorry, I-I think someone's got John. John Watson?"

Sherlock turned immediately, his attention caught.

"Hang on! Who are you?" Mrs. Hudson called and Sherlock stepped out of his flat as Mary replied: "Oh, I'm his fiancée."

"Mary?" Sherlock called as he saw the woman appear around the corner of the stairs. He took in her frantic expression and asked quickly: "What's wrong?"

Mary joined him at the top of the stairs, pulling out her phone as she informed him: "Someone sent me this. At first I thought it was just a Bible thing," she explained as she scrolled through to pull up the text she'd received, "you know, spam, but it's not. It's a skip-code."

Sherlock glanced at the woman sharply, examining her once again briefly. But he pushed it aside as Mary showed him the text and he read: 'Save souls now! John or James Watson? Saint or Sinner? James or John? The more is Less?'

"First word, then every third." He muttered and then read the code aloud: "Save ... John ... Watson." He paused.

"Now!" He ordered, dropping the chips and dashing down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" Mary questioned, running after him.

Sherlock replied quickly: "St James the Less. It's a church. Twenty minutes by car."

As he stepped out into the streets, he questioned urgently: "Did you drive here?"

"Er, yes." Mary confirmed but Sherlock's mind was racing and he concluded: "It's too slow. It's too slow."

He looked around quickly, pacing the street a little and Mary asked desperately: "Sherlock, what are we waiting for?"

Sherlock paused as he saw what he wanted.

"This." He replied shortly as he stepped into the middle of the road, raising a hand to stop a motorbike.


Sherlock sped down the streets, Mary hanging on tightly behind him as they headed for the church. Sherlock's mind was going at several miles an hour as he mentally calculated the quickest route to St. James the Less. Ten minutes.

Mary received another text, which she quickly showed to him. Sherlock glanced at it, but it wasn't giving him any new information. It just read: 'Getting warmer Mr Holmes. You have about ten minutes.'

Sherlock raced, knowing that he needed to get there faster than ten minutes then. Mary shouted: "What does it mean? What are they going to do to him?"

"I don't know." Sherlock replied sharply, focusing on driving and moving as quickly as possible.

Mary then received another text: '8 minutes and counting...'

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