Chapter 9: The Bloody Guardsman

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Three weeks before the wedding:

Marie P.O.V.

Sherlock stood before his flat wall, examining all the details for the wedding planning he'd helped the couple put together. Marie was sitting with Mary at the desk, working on the reception planning, while John sat in his armchair reading the recent emails from Sherlock's clients on his phone.

"Need to work on your half of the church, Mary. Looking a bit thin." Sherlock commented as he looked over the guest list and seating plan.

Mary and Marie looked up as Sherlock turned around to face the two women, and Mary replied: "Oh, orphan's lot. Friends – that's all I have. Lots of friends."

She exchanged smiles with Marie before they both turned back to the plans. Marie paused as Sherlock murmured restlessly: "You should schedule the organ music to begin at precisely 11.48..."

"But the rehearsal's not for another two weeks." Mary pointed out. "Just calm down."

"Calm? I am calm. I'm extremely calm." Sherlock replied, speaking very quickly.

Marie looked at Sherlock with her lips pursing just slightly while Mary suggested: "Let's get back to the reception, come on."

She jerked her head to the floor plan on the table and Sherlock walked over.

"John's cousin, top table?" Mary began, looking over the guest list and the floor plan.

Sherlock stopped behind Marie, leaning over her a little to look at the RVSP letter. He replied flatly: "Hmm., hates you. Can't even bear to think about you."

Both women paused.

"Seriously?" Mary asked while Marie glanced behind her shoulder at Sherlock.

He continued, explaining as he held up the RSVP and congratulatory card: "Second class post, cheap card ... bought at a petrol station. Look at the stamp: three attempts at licking. She's obviously unconsciously retaining saliva."

"Ah, let's stick her by the bogs." Mary said lightly, wrinkling her nose a little.

Marie suppressed a smile while Sherlock replied just as casually: "Oh yes."

He settled himself beside Marie, who leaned against his shoulder almost unconsciously. Mary cleared her throat, glancing back at John before leaning towards them as she asked Sherlock quietly: "Who else hates me?"

Sherlock didn't even look up from where he was looking at a pile of napkins as he handed Mary a prepared list. Marie smiled, torn between amusement and second-hand hurt as she saw the long list.

"Oh great. Thanks." Mary commented as she looked over the list.

At least she didn't sound hurt- if anything, she sounded almost as amused as Marie was feeling. She glanced at Marie, and the two women shared small grins.

"'Priceless painting nicked'." John suddenly piped up from his seat. "Looks interesting."

He glanced over but Mary was asking: "Table four..."

"Done." Sherlock replied immediately. Marie leaned her head on his shoulder, trying to soothe him as she sensed his rather frazzled nerves. You'd think he was the bride, he was so wound up about the wedding.

"'My husband is three people'." John continued, chuckling a little as he scrolled through the emails.

Marie grinned but Mary was focused on the floor plan as she asked: "Table five?"

"Done." Marie answered this time, while Sherlock suddenly asked as he looked over the list of guests who hadn't yet replied: "Major James Sholto. Who he?"

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