Chapter 6: Welcome Back

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"Sherlock, please. I beg of you." Mycroft was pleading over the phone. "You can take over at the interval."

Sherlock finished buttoning his suit jacket as he said in a feigned apologetic tone: "Oh, I'm sorry, brother dear, but you made a promise. Nothing I can do to help."

"But you don't understand the pain of it, the horror!" Mycroft said urgently.

Sherlock could though- he could hear the singing even over the phone as the musical actors sang: 'Do you hear the people sing?' And he definitely did not want to be there to hear that in person.

Sherlock hung up as John walked in, saying with a smile: "Come on. You'll have to go down. They want the story."

Sherlock walked passed, rolling his eyes a little as he murmured: "In a minute."

They walked back into the living room just as they heard Marie ask with interest: "You're a nurse?"

The two men grinned as they saw Mary look at the brunette in surprise.

"Oh, did John tell you...?" She asked and Marie smiled, shaking her head. Mary caught on and she laughed as she said: "Oh, of course. A genius couple; you two must've driven John up the wall."

"Not really- Marie's always been much nicer and more pleasant." John commented and Marie laughed while Sherlock smirked.

"Well, congratulations again." Marie said to the blonde woman warmly.

"Yes, congratulations." Sherlock added on as he walked over to give his brunette a quick kiss on the top of her head before he walked over to pour himself a glass of champagne, joining their small congratulatory party.

Mrs. Hudson beamed at the two couples as she added happily: "Oh, I'm really pleased, Mary. Have you set a date?"

"Er, well we thought May." Mary said with a smile.

Marie smiled while Mrs. Hudson said delightedly: "Oh! Spring wedding!"

Mary grinned a little wryly as she added: "Yeah. Well, once we've actually got engaged." She flexed her empty hand pointedly.

"Yeah." John added amusedly.

"We were interrupted last time." Mary continued, giving Sherlock a pointed look.

Marie looked surprised while John repeated, also looking at Sherlock with raised brows: "Yeah."

Sherlock glanced sheepishly at Mary as Marie asked incredulously: "What did you do?"

"Well-" John began and Sherlock interrupted hastily: "Er, it was nothing. I'll tell you later." He added as he saw Marie's raised brows.

She nodded, letting it slide for now while Lestrade called: "Well, I can't wait."

"You will be there, Sherlock?" Mary checked, almost threatening.

"Weddings," Sherlock replied evasively, "not really my thing."

"He'll be there." Marie interjected. Mary and Mrs. Hudson beamed while Sherlock grimaced.

"Marie..." He began to whine and she just smiled, getting up to join him.

"Sherlock, play nice." She smiled, but gave him a suggestive nudge with her hip. It was John's turn to grimace and Lestrade choked a little on his champagne while Sherlock lifted a brow, appeased. They were interrupted as the door opened once more and they all turned to see who it was.

"Hello, everyone." Molly greeted.

"Hey, Molly." John greeted warmly and Marie moved to hug her friend while Sherlock turned away, taking the moment to examine the situation outside. Molly's eyes lit up as she saw the brunette woman, and she quickly reached out to give her a tight hug. Someone coughed from behind her and she quickly broke away.

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