Chapter 14: Changes

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John bolted upright in his bed as there was a knock on his front door. In his mind, he heard Sherlock say: "The game is on."

He could picture both the detective and Marie, their eyes bright with expectation and anticipation. His heart pounded with the leftover adrenaline from his dream- he'd been remembering some of the early days with Sherlock.

He was startled out of his thoughts as the banging on his front door continued, and he quickly got up, grabbing a robe as he walked over to his door, taking a deep breath as he swung it open. He blinked in shock as a tearful woman stood before him, also still in her dressing gown.

"I know it's early." The woman said through suppressed sobs. "Really, I'm sorry."

She started to sob uncontrollably again and John could only stare in confusion.

"Is that Kate?" Mary asked from behind him as the blonde threw on her dressing gown and peered blearily at the front door.

"Y-yeah, it's Kate." John replied, still standing at the door, and he continued to stare at the woman in confusion.

"Going to invite her in?" Mary asked, hinting at him and John broke out of his shock at last as he stuttered: "Er, sorry, yes. D-d'you wanna come in, Kate?"

The sobbing woman stepped inside, and John was still puzzled as he shut the door behind their neighbour while Mary said soothingly: "Hey..."

She hugged the woman and settled her on the sofa, listening to the woman's story as John made them hot cups of tea.

"It's all right." Mary soothed as she rubbed Kate's back, the woman unable to stop her sobs.

John walked over, setting the mugs of tea down before the women and murmuring: "There you go."

"It's Isaac." Mary explained, and John replied: "Ah, your husband."

"Son." Mary corrected, looking at John pointedly.

"Son, yeah." John quickly corrected.

Kate's sobs finally died a little as she told them: "He's gone missing again. Didn't come home last night."

Her voice broke a little and Mary sighed, saying sympathetically: "The usual."

"He's the drugs one, yeah?" John asked.

Kate began sobbing again, and Mary stared at John in disbelief before saying flatly: "Er, yeah, nicely put, John."

"Well, is it Sherlock Holmes you want?" John asked the woman, still confused as to why she was here. "Because I've not seen him in ages."

"About a month." Mary said in exasperation, and Kate looked between the couple in confusion.

"Who's Sherlock Holmes?" She asked and Mary chimed in, looking at John pointedly: "See? That does happen."

Kate explained in a shaky voice: "There's a– a place they all go to, him and his... friends." She said the word like it was a swear word. "They all... do whatever they do... shoot up, whatever you call it." She said in a breaking voice.

"Where is he?" John asked suddenly and Kate looked up in confusion as she replied: "It's a house. It's a dump. I mean, it's practically falling down."

"No, the address." John interrupted, and Mary looked at him in surprise. John just looked at Kate as he asked firmly: "Where, exactly?"


"Seriously?" Mary asked as she followed John down their front steps, and John replied: "Why not? She's not going to the police. Someone's got to get him."

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