Chapter 3

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Davids POV

It's 11 pm, Tuesday night and Liza and I are arguing.

"How the hell are we supposed to act that out are you stupid?!" I say.

"Easy we can get someone to shine a grey light on us and then when the soulmates meet it can change to colorful lights," Liza says.

"Ugh I'm done arguing fine we can do that "I say flipping the finger at her on our FaceTime call.

"Good," she says

She sighs, "David do you think the script is sort of cringey?"

"No not really.why?"

"Gabbie texted me just before and said it sounded cringey and stupid."

"Don't listen to her she's my science partner and all she does is make weird screaming noises under her breath. I honestly don't know why you hang out with those girls."


- there's silence for a few minutes -

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.


"Why do you always talk so... politely?"


"Like you always talk to everyone in such a formal way, like you don't joke around like normal people."

"I don't know I guess... sometimes I just feel scared to be myself like people won't like me. I rarely open up to people with my true self. I promise you how I act is not the real me..."

"Well can I see the real you?" I ask.

She shakes her head slowly and looks outside her window, "David, your just my partner for an assignment. We're not friends."

My heart stops for a second. Don't be stupid David you've only known her for two days. No shit you guys aren't friends.. yet.

"Well how about we change that? Why can't we be friends?" I say.
I usually can't be stuffed to talk to people or be nice but there's something about Liza..
I wake up the next morning to a group chat from Erin, Carly and Gabbie on Instagram.

Erin- I see you've been talking to Liza a lot lately. Do you like her?
David - yes she's a nice person
Carly- no I mean do you like her as in dating??
David - wtf guys this isn't pre school why are you texting me and asking this shit
Gabbie- lol sorry we just wanted to know. Or do you have eyes for someone else? 😉😉
David- she's just my theatre partner that's all I do not have a crush on her

But on the bus to school that morning, I couldn't stop thinking about Liza. The way her curly hair can still fall perfectly into place despite its craziness. The way she looks into my eyes when she speaks to me, I end up loosing concentration of what she's saying because I get lost in them.

That's when I realise maybe I do have the smallest crush on Liza. What's crazy is I've never believed in love at first sight. I've never believed it's real. But maybe, maybe it is.

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