Chapter 5

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Davids POV

"So, is Liza your new best friend? Am I out of the picture?" Alex asks. We're laying on my bed and Bailey, Alex's bunny is on his chest.

Since Alex Is my best friend I let him bring bailey with him to sleepover. He refuses to go anywhere without bailey, besides school or to the shops.

"I don't know can someone be your best friend if you've only
Known them for a week?" I ask.

"Anythings possible."

"Then your both my best friends." I say.

"I've been replaced." Alex says. "Oh well Bailey is my new best friend anyway so there."

I laugh and change the subject , "didn't you think Liza was hot though?"

"Yeah I guess she is."

I nod "Yeah she is but I'd say she's gorgeous and not hot."

Alex sits up, "you like her??!!?!!!"

"Yea. A lot." I say I feel my cheeks burn up but I blame it on the humidity.

My phone pings and I see gabbie has direct messaged me on Instagram .

"Can this bitch give me a break?"

Gabbie- hey, so do you like Liza
David- you already asked me
Gabbie- I'm asking again
David- none of your business why do you wanna know anyway you dumped her on her third day back
Gabbie- yeah because she never jokes around she's boring  and she said your ugly too

I stare at my phone and eventually Alex takes it from me and reads the messages.

"I'm sorry."

"Yea it's cool" I say. But I guess it wasn't... honestly. I've never met anyone like Liza before each girl I meet is the same, obsessed with makeup, no sense of humour and they all wear the same type of clothes.

Liza face timed me at the usual time we FaceTime every night and I pick up.

"Hey I'm with Alex."

"Oh hey Alex."

Alex takes my phone, "did you say David was ugly?"

I grab for my phone but Alex has a firm grip.


"Well Gabbie said that you said David was ugly." Alex says.

"Oh noo, they were all talking about how hot he was and I said I don't find him attractive."

"So you don't have a crush on David?" Alex asks.


I smack Alex, "shut up Alex stop putting pressure on her."

"Look I gotta go." Liza says then hangs up.

I glared at Alex.

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