Chapter 4

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Lizas POV

I sit down at the table with Gabbie, Carly and Erin.

They all start whispering and looking at me.


"You can't sit here." Says Gabbie.


"Because." Carly says.

"I thought we were friends?" I say.

"No." Erin says and they all start laughing.

I sigh, I'm not sad though I've only known them for a little bit and plus I could always tell something was fishy. Maybe David was right.

I get up and leave, I walk past Davids table and he calls me over.

"What?" I say.

"Wanna go outside and talk?" He asks.

Well he's obviously seen what's happened. I nod. And we walk outside.

There are lots of people sitting outside and eating aswell.
We sit against a wall.

"I never knew we could eat out here," I say.

"Well yeah, but you have to be socially accepted to eat out here."

"Are you?" I ask.

He smirks, "not to brag or anything but 97% of the girls in this school have a crush on me and the other 3% are taken."

I raise my eyebrows, "Then why don't you sit out here with the 'cool boys'?"

"I don't know I've known my friends since we were born and I choose to hang out with them."

I nod, "I wish I had friends like that. I don't have any friends at all."

He puts his arm around me . If it wasn't David I would've slapped him but there's something about David.

"David, I'm so sorry about last night. I was wrong, you are a really nice guy."

He looks stunned, "what? I've only known you for three days."

"I know but... I've never actually had friends before. Ever. Except for Gabbie and them but of course they're back stabbing bitches. Your my first true friend."

"So you didn't have any friends at your old school?"

"No I'd rather sit in the library and read books or watch YouTube."

"Nerd." He says.

"Hey don't judge me you haven't seen the real me yet. Have you?" I say.

"Well I can't judge really I'm a big nerd myself. All I do is play video games or read about the unknown."

"The unknown?"

"Yeah like the universe and what could be out there."

The bell rings and interrupts our chats


Days go by, David and I continually practice our act, we spend as much time as we can chatting to each other about anything and everything, even if it includes face timing until 1 am. I sit with him and his friends at lunch now, I don't mind I'm the only girl they're all hilarious.

It's Saturday, my first week of school has ended and it's not until now that I realise, I have a massive crush on David Dobrik, not a small one. A huge one. I understand why everyone loves him. At first I couldn't tell what was so great about him but I guess it's grown on me.

I know he wasn't joking when he said 97% of the girls at school love him, I've seen them stare when he walks past, I've seen them squeak just like Gabbie whenever he looks at them. Now i know why.

He has the perfect eyes. They are so dark they hold galaxies inside of them and whenever he talks about something he loves they light up. Also his hair is so messy and thick, and his eyebrows are perfectly shaped he doesn't need to draw them on like me everyday.

Not to forget how funny he is and he can make me feel so special. He makes me feel like I have a purpose in this world, I used to stay up late at night telling myself I'm a waste of space, but now he makes me feel more alive and I don't get those depressing feelings anymore.

Amazing what can happen in a week.

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