Chapter 6

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Davids POV

-Sunday 9:30-

Alex has finally left my house and I'm free for the whole day.

I text Liza

David- u doing anything today?
Liza- no why
David- wanna go to the park or something?
Liza- sure can u pick me up
David- yea I'll come at 10:00

She gives me her address and I get changed into black jeans and a black shirt with a black jacket.

I'm excited but nervous to hang out with Liza outside of school. I know it won't be like a date though..


Lizas POV

I got so excited when David asked me if I wanted to hang out. I don't care that it will be freezing at the park I would do anything to hang out with him.

I put on my dark denim jeans, a plain white shirt and a black jacket on top.

David texts me and says he's here.

I get inside his tesla, "hey."


The car ride is quiet. Maybe he's mad about yesterday?



"About yesterday I wasn't mad at you I was mad at Gabbie for telling you I said your ugly because you aren't ugly you are really attractive." I say and then clench my fists. Oh shit I basically just told him I liked him. A lot.

He looks at me and smiles his perfect smile. He looks right into my eyes, my heart beats faster and I get sparks inside my chest.

"Well i think your the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on, also you make me smile everyday, these past seven days have been the best days I've had in ages. You have no idea how much you make me smile." He says.

I blush, "I don't even know what to say that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me."

He parks and we get out of the car.
David offers his hand and I gladly take it. I don't know where we're going but I don't mind I could walk to the end of the world with this guy.


We end up at a wooden seat with the perfect view of the ocean right in front of us. He sits down and I snuggle up next to him.
David wraps his arm around me.

"Do you believe in the word love?" He asks.


"Would you think I'm bullshitting you if I said I loved you even though I've only known you for several days?"

"I don't know why don't you say it and see what happens?" I ask and I watch the sun set and drift below the sparkling dark blue sea.

"I don't know why don't you say it and see what happens?" I ask and I watch the sun set and drift below the sparkling dark blue sea

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(I actually took this photo by the way lol)

"I love you Liza." David says.

"I love you too David but I don't wanna be in a relationship not yet I don't want things to go to fast."

David doesn't answer and I look up at his face. He's frowning and looking out into space.

"David?" I say.

"Forget it." He says and suddenly gets up and walks away.

"David!" I call after him but he doesn't turn around.

It's pitch black now, the city lights are still lit but I have no idea where I'm going.

I can't ring my dad because he's at a business meeting in Australia and of course mom wants nothing to do with me. I lean against a pole, the wind keeps getting heavier and rain starts to pour, like the aftermath of a bad cyclone.

I start to cry but someone comes up to me.

"Hi I'm Gabbie."

I can't see her properly, "oh no not you can't you leave me alone?"

"No I'm not that Gabbie my name is Gabbie hanna."

She turns on her phone flashlight, "I can give you a lift home if you want."

"Sorry I don't know who you are." I say.

"I know but I'm actually in most of your classes I've seen you around a lot."

"Oh okay maybe could you please give me a ride home then?" I ask.

She nods and we get inside her car.

"So you know David?"

"Yea," I say but I wish I didn't.

"Him and I used to be best friends, we'd tell each other everything but then you came along and now it's like he's forgotten me.." she says.

I look at her. I've just stolen her best friend?!

"Oh no I'm so sorry I never knew.." I start to say.

"It's okay I know it's not your fault. I have other friends now anyway.." Gabbie says.


Davids POV

It's not until I've gotten into bed I've realised I've made a stupid mistake as usual.

I guess I got heated in the moment I shouldn't have told her I loved her so soon, she obviously thinks I'm a player now. Especially because I walked away when she said she didn't want a relationship yet. As usual I wasn't thinking of reality I always get to caught up in my own world where everything's perfect but that's not always what's the truth...

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